Forum Discussion
NAT (Forwarding) in T-Mobile Gateway
Just another success story here, if you’re the type who knows how to use SSH tunneling.
T-Mobile (business, in my case; don’t think it matters) can’t do port forwarding. But my ssh tunnel(s) worked, at least for a little bit. I use autossh, which re-establishes connections when they fail (due to routing changes, etc). It has been very reliable for me in the past to get around bad/broken NAT situations.
But I found that my ssh tunnels would only last for a short time (Arkadyan modem, using a router on the LAN connection). Then I read from another post somewhere else on this forum that t-mobile simply closes TCP connections without traffic after a period of time (looks like maybe as short as 5m).
So I changed the ssh settings on my server to add a keep-alive, and all is working perfectly. I have three ports forwarded on my LAN through an ssh connection to a server in the cloud; you could probably use ngrok for this (free accounts I think). I have a camera, ssh to a server, and another port forward to an IoT device, and all three have been working perfectly without interruption for over a week. I get between 120 and 250Mbps down and 30up pretty consistently.
I’m sold, and am currently on hold cancelling my AT&T DSL account!
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