Forum Discussion
Modem drops internet service every night
I have had the Home Internet for two months and I have noticed that the modem drops the internet almost every night between 9 pm and 11 pm. When I use the Home Internet app to access the modem I see that the signal strength is showing as good but there is no internet. will not run and all the YouTUBE TVs go down but the WiFi is up and working. I end up seeing the modem restart command from the app but I usually have to do that 2 or 3 times to recover. Last night I actually had to unplug the modem. The behavior is not acceptable.
- Rogracer2000LTE Learner
Strange...TM is supposed to push out the firmware updates automatically. I believe my Arcadyan is up-to-date and is running 1.00.20. If you have KVD21 maybe check that,
- 123WileyTransmission Trainee
OK! Thanks, I'll look into that.
Simple fix.
- ChefZiggyRoaming Rookie
123Wiley wrote:
SoontobeATTcustomer wrote:
I have had t mobile internet for the past year and for the past 3 months my internet goes out between 9pm and 10pm just about every other night. I have done every trouble shooting solution they have given me to do as well as get two new gateways but it still drops the Wi-Fi connection even though signal to the gateway is good to great. It seems like the best solution will be to drop t mobile for someone else.
I get SOOO tired of their silly "trouble shooting". There's nothing wrong on my side, it's you t-mobile.
It's simple, simple logic. If it was working fine `most` of the day then at a particular time, every day, it shuts off..... it aint me.
It would be nice if someone (who gave a S) at t-mobile would read these. It's just a rant board to "placate the masses".
I have AT&T in my area but I'm still angry with them, going back to their dial up 'service' some 30 years ago. Total lack of customer care.
So I've had the same issue, I finally talked to a tech that knew what they were doing.. turns out it was a firmware issue, once they pushed the firmware update and it installed i havent had an issue, sure it's only been about a week since it got updated but haven't had an issue since
- 123WileyTransmission Trainee
SoontobeATTcustomer wrote:
I have had t mobile internet for the past year and for the past 3 months my internet goes out between 9pm and 10pm just about every other night. I have done every trouble shooting solution they have given me to do as well as get two new gateways but it still drops the Wi-Fi connection even though signal to the gateway is good to great. It seems like the best solution will be to drop t mobile for someone else.
I get SOOO tired of their silly "trouble shooting". There's nothing wrong on my side, it's you t-mobile.
It's simple, simple logic. If it was working fine `most` of the day then at a particular time, every day, it shuts off..... it aint me.
It would be nice if someone (who gave a S) at t-mobile would read these. It's just a rant board to "placate the masses".
I have AT&T in my area but I'm still angry with them, going back to their dial up 'service' some 30 years ago. Total lack of customer care.
- 123WileyTransmission Trainee
Snooooopy wrote:
pmrii wrote:
There are a lot of things that can be causing these problems.
My first thought is what is your signal strength. In one part of my house it is GOOD and in another it is WEAK. There is an app that I came across a couple of years ago that can track your wifi signal strength. I got it on playstore but have since not reinstalled it on my new phone and don’t remember its name.
For other reasons do a Google search on “causes for wifi drops” or similar phrases. You may b surprised at some of the reasons why wifi is dropped, especially with older computers.
When there is no internet, the eero has a red light eventually, not always right away. When I had Cox, the eero and the Lenovo always immediately showed there was no connection to the internet. The globe icon replaced the signal one with Cox internet. Now, as I said, the Lenovo shows it is connected, even when it’s not! On the T-Mobile gateway, my connection is always “good”, and only occasionally “very good”.
I know when my internet is going to go out, its about 11:30 pm, the signal strength suddenly goes from its typical 'weak`, 2 bars, to 5 bars.
I have to wait for the Cell Spot to reconnect, I have to reestablish the TV connection and if it's live, not streaming, I've missed 5 min of the show.
It may be internet, but it's not a service. It's a joke. Maybe tmobile doesn't like Steven Colbert.
- WalloweNetwork Novice
They did eventually fix my issue. It took a week of calling in but it was a problem on the server side and not a problem with my devices
- ChefZiggyRoaming Rookie
Have they given any updates on a fix? Every night 8ish till about 10ish my home internet messes up.. regardless of how often or how little I've used it each day
- Cleaninlady41Newbie Caller
ispybadguys wrote:
I have had the Home Internet for two months and I have noticed that the modem drops the internet almost every night between 9 pm and 11 pm. When I use the Home Internet app to access the modem I see that the signal strength is showing as good but there is no internet. will not run and all the YouTUBE TVs go down but the WiFi is up and working. I end up seeing the modem restart command from the app but I usually have to do that 2 or 3 times to recover. Last night I actually had to unplug the modem. The behavior is not acceptable.
Well I am gonna say that most of you are lucky enough to only have yours go out during a certain time. Mine has been going out since we got it 4 months ago at random times of the day and night and every single day. I have called and said something but they say they don't see anything on their end and that it may be too many devices on the wifi. So to fix that I monitor what is on the wifi and it can just be my cell and my husband's cell and it will still do it. I want to say that it is better then spectrum which is who we switched from for one of the same reason but I'm starting to think there is no such thing as dependable internet. They can't seem to fix the issues people have but want to charge us full price for something we barely get. I use more data then I do wifi. Stupid ridiculous.
- WalloweNetwork Novice
Well, if any of you plan to switch to T-Mobile Fiber I’d advise against it. My service literally has dropped for 6 hours every night I’ve had it. Crazy thing is, these hours perfectly correlate with the hours that Live Chat isn’t available. I’m not joking or exaggerating. As soon as Live Chat stops being available, my internet goes down. When it becomes available again the next morning, my internet comes back. Even when I do manage to get a Live Agent they ignore me until I close the page. I waited for an agent to respond for about 7 hours just to see if they would respond. I only got the three dots like they were typing something. I wish I had known that these problems were prevalent in their WiFi service so that I would have rejected their fiber service.
- SnooooopyConnection Cadet
SoontobeATTcustomer wrote:
I have had t mobile internet for the past year and for the past 3 months my internet goes out between 9pm and 10pm just about every other night. I have done every trouble shooting solution they have given me to do as well as get two new gateways but it still drops the Wi-Fi connection even though signal to the gateway is good to great. It seems like the best solution will be to drop t mobile for someone else.
I’ve had trouble two or three times in the last week or so in the morning from 8-10AM. It shows the internet is there, but it is not, and the light on my eero router eventually goes orange. One morning I know for sure the problem started after an update hours earlier. I was sitting by the tower when it lit up and updated. To solve the problem, I used to do a re-start using the app. But now it keeps telling me my password is wrong, and I’m not going through all the ridiculous trouble to reset it. Also, I’m never calling for help or going through multiple gateways.
Thus, I unplug the gateway and unplug the eero, plug back in the gateway, plug back in the eero, and that fixes the problem. Sometimes, though, I have to do it three or four times before the internet comes back. Maybe it would have come back in the same time period even if I didn’t do all the unplugging, I don’t know. I only know if the problem ever becomes persistant, I’ll return to Cox. Hopefully, that will never happen because I really like having a wireless T-Mobile internet! According to something I recently read, though, T-Mobile really is expanding its internet service, and others here have said that can be detrimental to those who already have the service.
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