Forum Discussion
Internet router return fraud
My first router seemed to have an issue (signal was bad suddenly) and after long phone call. Tmobile sent me another router to exchange. I did send back machine in early Feb. and UPS tracking shows it was delivered on Feb. 10th. But recently I got message from Tmobile said it was not returned and charged $220.
Tried to call Tmobile and after long “investigation”. They basically said the package was delivered but they “could not allocate the router” and then charged me for “non-return fee”. They even implied that I sent an empty box to them.!! The only thing they can do is to offer half the charge, meaning I will be charged for ~$110+ for a problem I did not create. They even asked me to file claim to UPS, which I cannot do because I am not the shipment creator! Also, I don’t see what UPS did wrong!?
My point is simple, if you use this way (UPS) for machine return instead of to your store (none of their store is willing to accept machine return!!), this is risk you should accept and do not try to charge your customers!!!
My feeling is like that,Tmobile basically charges you a machine fee for their home internet without telling you, and use non-return fee as excuse.
Very nice Tmboile. I have been using your service for 5+ yrs and now I feel I am an idiot
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- 5 months ago