Forum Discussion
Home internet gateway much slower than phone
I just got the home internet gateway for $50/month. I did some testing and found the best location in my house. Then I did side-by-side speed tests with my Samsung Note 20 connected to it, then just my phone on it's own using 5G data directly. There was a huge difference in speed. Around 80Mbps (downlink) through the gateway vs. 500Mbps via my phone. Why is the gateway so much slower? Any insight? Thanks!
- PaulHNewbie Caller
I’m having the same issue. Just set up the Internet Gateway and getting 90 MB download. Get over 500 MB with my 5G iPhone also on T-Mobile. My old 4G LTE iPad Pro gets 175 Mb download. The gateway device must be throttled. Disappointing.
- Nellie123Newbie Caller
Good questions. I didn't configure anything for WiFi-6. However, when I connect to the gateway on my phone I do see a WiFi-6 icon on my phone making me think my phone is capable and configured for WiFi-6. See screen shot.
Yes, I'm using the same server for both tests.
- tomwilBandwidth Buff
Nellie123 wrote:
I just got the home internet gateway for $50/month. I did some testing and found the best location in my house. Then I did side-by-side speed tests with my Samsung Note 20 connected to it, then just my phone on it's own using 5G data directly. There was a huge difference in speed. Around 80Mbps (downlink) through the gateway vs. 500Mbps via my phone. Why is the gateway so much slower? Any insight? Thanks!
Have you done any reconfigurations to the gateway that might have your WiFi-6 capable phone connect as non-Wifi-6?
When you perform your speed test, are you selecting the same server for both tests?
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