Forum Discussion
Home Internet app 2.10.0
I have 2 home internet gateways (LTE and 5G) at 2 different locations. When I went from one to the other. The iPad app automatically detected the connected networks and I could logged into it with password. Now the latest version 2.10.0 on my iPad “remembers” the SSID of the former location and apparently keeps searching for it. I have no way to change the network SSID name. I removed the app and reinstalled, but still the former SSID name keeps popping up. How could I clear its cache memory and reset to the second home network? Thanks
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
I was just checking and with the TM-RTL0102 you CAN login to the web interface! See page 8 in the user manual. No worries be happy! No mobile application required for the TM-RTL0102 if you don’t want to go there. That will solve part of your problem.
You did state the LTE but I missed that. Now we have a solution.
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
I have had nothing but issues with the mobile application. If I am persistent, really persistent, I can get into the gateway after 6-10 attempts. I don’t like it that much so seldom does it get attention.
If you want to see what the Arcadyan can report to you in a browser: (Nater Tater)
Quick, clean and safe. If they have not broken it by altering the file structure in a newer update of the firmware it should execute fine.
- johnsuen7373Network Novice
Thanks. ITinkrtalot.
My 5G box is made by Arcadyan, model KVD21. My LTE box model is TM-RTL0102.
I have little time to tinker with the new version of app 2.10.0. Finally, after trying at both locations, I’m convinced that the app is buggy. I have problems connecting both gateways LTE and 5G at both locations. If one closes the app without logging out first, there will be problem in reconnecting. One could reconnect if one delete the app and reinstall. Even that sometimes won’t work, but at least, one could get to the set-up/log-in page. No problems with ver 2.9. I’m waiting for updates.
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
I don’t recall the gateway model you are using I just assumed it was an Arcadyan or the Sagemcon that only allows management via the mobile application. If you have the Arcadyan maybe you can work around the problem with NaterTater’s web back door configuration method. His YouTube video is well done and helpful. If you are just changing the configuration on the second location that might work just fine.
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
Ugh…I sort of understand now. I have a similar problem with the mobile application here but not identical. I have the Nokia gateway and it will allow 4 SSIDs per frequency. I run two SSIDs and I leverage one for access controls and the other for pretty much everything else. It just happens to be a necessity for control. Well, the down side is my devices are on SSID B and I need to turn off SSID A. I can do that just fine with the web interface but not with the mobile application. If I try to use the mobile application even though I am connected to SSID B it will tell me, “let’s get you connected”, but it gets stuck in a logic loop and keeps going back there even though I am connected so it will not let me go forward. So, I do sort of get it. The mobile application is pure evil. Ok, so just a bit but I detest it and find it pretty much useless. I have played the uninstall/reinstall game with it too but that doesn’t help. If I go to my wireless settings and forget SSID “B” then search and join “A” then it will sometimes let me run it but may crash or hang up. If I am lucky it works but that is a 50/50 thing.
It might be a little bit different issue, since I have the Nokia but what I find is it will only allow me to run the mobile application and do management on the, base or default SSID in effect. If I am on the second SSID it refuses to play nice. I just think that application is buggy and has some logic issues. My lucky card is the Nokia with the web GUI management. T-Mobile’s forced use of only the mobile application to do gateway management is just a bad plan to save money on development cost of software. They remove options and force a narrow path to take control by only allowing a bare bones minimum of user options. Limiting management from a small application interface on a mobile device only is just lame. - johnsuen7373Network Novice
Thanks for the reply. My problem is, say in location B, the app is looking for the network with SSID of location A, when I try to log in. I cannot set up the app to connect the network with a different SSID at location B.
I get to a page that shows: Step 1 Go to WiFi setting on your phone. Step 2 Connect to the “SSiD of location A” and enter password. No way I can change the network name of location A to that of location B. Even after I deleted the T-Mobile Home Internet app and download again to reinstall. The iOS of my iPad seems to store the info.
With previous version, I used to just log in the network of location B using its SSID and password from scratch when I arrive. the latest version “remembers” the last SSID, but I cannot edit it. I suspect that I may have to go to location A and log onto network A. Then I must log off at A before I can go to location B to log on. If I did not log off at A, I have no way to log on at B. I’ll see if my hypothesis is correct. Stay tuned. - iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
Just a guess is that the setting for the former location set to connect automatically. Check to make sure “Ask to Join Networks” is set to Ask
Also check “My Networks” and check the settings.
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