Forum Discussion
Gateway Losing Signal and Restarting
3 of the 4 last weekends, my Gateway has been randomly loosing signal and restarting. On Fridays or Saturdays, it's minimal, once or twice a day, a few hours apart - if at all. But three of the last four Sundays between 9pm and 1am this happens 5+ times. Sometimes I barely get 10 minutes between these occurences. I'll call tech support (again) later this week.
Anyone else have issues like this? Gateway signal loss and restart, especially concentrated in one particular time frame each week?
The usual checks out - wires are plugged in correctly, the gateway doesn't feel hot or anything, signal is good - regularly 4/5 bars (except for the moments before a restart), firmware is up-to-date (though I don't have manual control, it's all automatic.)
The only thing I do on Sundays between those times different from the rest of the week is video chat on Discord. Anyone else have issues lately with Discord and Home Internet?
Tech Support said there was a known issue with my specific model of gateway after a firmware update and I got it replaced at a local T-Mobile store. So that's it. No more need for this post that nobody read but me. Bye.
- TallDude7Network Novice
It happened to me the same day I got a brand new TMO-G4SE. It just died and wouldn't respond to anything. I think it was a thermal shutdown. After a few minutes it turned back on again. It looks like an engineering issue with this model
- LuneyNetwork Novice
So did you get your gateway to work properly or is it still giving you errors and restarting?
- autotkgradNewbie Caller
Glad I found this post. Similar rebooting or lost signal here as well. Average of 2x per day at different times. Seems like the reboot or refresh is taking longer as well. I'm a recent subscriber to home internet and was looking for a support chat function to check if it's my area or my modem. I have the G4AR w/o mesh or other extenders. Will try to update firmware before calling T-Mo.
- autotkgradNewbie Caller
Update - The replacement modem had the same issues. Per Support, the only difference on the 2 modem versions was what supplier made them and not that there was an updated model. Support sent a replacement power supply but I still had one drop since swapping that. FYI, the new power supply is a different style/shape. Support also noted that many stores now carry extra power supplies just in case of similar issues.
- LuneyNetwork Novice
How long ago have you been using the new power supply?
- BrianValentineRoaming Rookie
Tech Support told me that the G4AR model has known issues caused by the last firmware update. If you call support and tell them about the issue and that you have a G4AR model, they should note your account to replace the gateway. I went to the closest T-Mobile store for the exchange. The stores might have a similar white gateway, but the model my store had was a G4SE. That's how my issue was solved.
- BrianValentineRoaming Rookie
Tech Support said there was a known issue with my specific model of gateway after a firmware update and I got it replaced at a local T-Mobile store. So that's it. No more need for this post that nobody read but me. Bye.
- BrianValentineRoaming Rookie
Updated information: After several more restarts, I switched video chat on another platform and didn't have any issues. Is it Discord? I also, very quickly, caught an error message for the first time about "SIM Error" which I am going to be calling support about.
- LuneyNetwork Novice
So did you get your gateway to work properly or is it still giving you errors and restarting?
- BrianValentineRoaming Rookie
I got it replaced, as I said in the post I marked as the solution. The problem was the gateway itself and tech support advised me to go to the nearest T-Mobile store and have it exchanged.
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