Forum Discussion

magenta8764569's avatar
Newbie Caller
2 years ago

Device names in Home Internet

Please help, I have looked through all of the questions regarding how TMobile home internet determines device names (the populated list on the Home Internet app). Everything online says, each device is names with the last 4 digits of its particular MAC address, however, that is not the case for me. I have gone through each device in our home and found its specific MAC address but none of the device names on the app correlate with any of our devices. Can any one help with this? 

The end game is to be able to disable each specific device from use of the Internet, as necessary.

Thank you in advance, L. McDonald

  • @magenta8764569, my TMHI app does not have the issues you mention.  The “Devices” tab shows all my connected devices, either showing their name or the last four digits of their MAC address.  You might want to try using an app like Fing (in the Google Play store).  It will scan your network and show all your devices, with information for each device (like IP address, MAC addresas, vendor, etc).  It could the be of interest to you then compare that information with the information in the TMHI app.

  • Thank you for your answer. However, I am not looking to rename any devices. I’m just trying to identify what devices or watt from the list populated on the app. None of the device names/numbers correlate with any of our devices nor there Mac addresses. Renaming isn’t really my concern. But thank you.

  • copz1998's avatar
    Connection Curator

    @magenta8764569 many of us have commented on the limited features of the TM Internet app, and renaming devices is one of them. Unfortunately, the app does not have the ability to edit device names. 

    Maybe with enough complaints about it, TM will provide the functionality in future releases of the app.

    If you have a wifi router connected to your gateway, most routers have that functionality built-in. I have the Netgear MR60 and it works fine.

    I hope this helps.