Forum Discussion
Arcadyn Disconnects
Have a KVD21, f/w 1.00.16 with about 4 bars and it goes through period of disconnecting/reconnecting the internet service every couple of minutes. Then, after awhile, it seems to stabilize. I have two devices connected to it via wifi - an iPhone and my iMAC. Any thoughts on why this is happening?
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
Ah! Thats great that it appears to be back to being functional. Maybe when the SIM was installed the installer had a bit of burger grease on their fingers from lunch or something. That is a good catch on the contacts. I have seen prior conversations regarding the reinsertion of the SIM card into the holder helping resolve odd behavior that is why I included that part. One never knows for sure which little thing is going to be the catch in the getalong. Good to know you were successful.
- TomR1945Roaming Rookie
iTinkeralot wrote:
When your gateway does a disconnect/reconnect it would be good to see if maybe it is changing the signal source. Your location might be between two signals and the signal jumps from one to the other and back. You can use a the browser interface and use the command to get information from the Arcadyan gateway. Do so each time it reconnects for a few of the episodes and compare the information. I don’t recall off the top of my head if the Arcadyan also provides the PCI values for the 4G and 5G signals but that would be a dead give away if the PCI values are changing repeatedly. If that is the case maybe a relocation of the gateway to get signal exposure that puts preference upon one signal source vs the other. Without more information it is hard to tell.
Checking and making sure the SIM is seated well is also a very good idea. Some users have had positive results after removing and inserting the SIM into the tray. Of course do that with it powered down.
Here is a possible fix you might want to consider.
I have the KVD21, version 1.00.16 and have experienced multiple drop outs for weeks.
Today, it was a total black-out. The gateway would try to connect and fail intermittently all day.
I spent over 12 hours trying to figure out what the problem was. I ended up believing it was weather related as we were experiencing torrential rain bands from Ian.
After reading iTinkeralot’s final paragraph, I has an Eureka Moment! I remembered an old trick from years in the air conditioning trade. If a new contactor you just installed wouldn't work, the first thing I would do is look at the contacts. Occasionally, there would be foreign matter preventing proper closure. So I would clean, or “Burnish” them.
And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, was my solution! I took the SIM card out and scrubbed the contact side with a pencil eraser and blew the residue off. Reinserted and my internet is now back to normal.
Give it a try, it only takes a couple of minutes and may save you hours of frustration!
Tom R.
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
When your gateway does a disconnect/reconnect it would be good to see if maybe it is changing the signal source. Your location might be between two signals and the signal jumps from one to the other and back. You can use a the browser interface and use the command to get information from the Arcadyan gateway. Do so each time it reconnects for a few of the episodes and compare the information. I don’t recall off the top of my head if the Arcadyan also provides the PCI values for the 4G and 5G signals but that would be a dead give away if the PCI values are changing repeatedly. If that is the case maybe a relocation of the gateway to get signal exposure that puts preference upon one signal source vs the other. Without more information it is hard to tell.
Checking and making sure the SIM is seated well is also a very good idea. Some users have had positive results after removing and inserting the SIM into the tray. Of course do that with it powered down.
- CharlieBoyTransmission Trainee
When confronted with connection issues It's been my experience to shut down unit untill it is totally cooled down wait about 30 minuets so CACH in unit maybe even at tower will clear out and a new cycle is started this works for me especially during non peak hours to take advantage of clear signals and latch/lock them in Then I connect my own router with smart dns proxy service which activates tmo.. ip address. Why privacy and locking a signal are my goals 😜
- Cali_CatBandwidth Buddy
That’s not normal. I would double check if the SIM card is sitting flush (power down first). If I remember right, the Arcadyan SIM slot doesn’t “click” to confirm SIM is inserted - it’s basically push in until it stops. The theory is that if SIM card is just a little off, wifi will continue to work, but internet access would be down.
If that doesn’t fix, I’m sorry to say that you should contact TMO support to see if you have a defective unit.
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