Forum Discussion
Anyone else wake up to a Red Battery Light on their LTE Home Internet Gateway this morning 11/21/21?
Woke up to a Red Battery Light on my 4G Home Internet Gateway. It has worked fine for almost a year now. I understand there was a software update last night and can’t help but thing they are related.
Anyone else?
- AAAarghNetwork Novice
Similar thing happened to me today, but my phone won’t even turn on. I have a big, red, rectangular battery icon in the center of the screen, and when I press the power button, the LG logo comes up as if it’s turning on, then nothing. Back to the red battery icon.
- VespertineNetwork Novice
I turned on the battery saver and the light went back to normal. I hope this solved. My issue.
- dstewartNetwork Novice
kennyc wrote:
…..I checked on 5G availability over the last few days and my address is now on the available list….so….I ordered the 5G gateway and will remove/return the LTE gateway once the 5G arrives and proves to work well/better….
p.s. T-Mobile seems to be moving to the newer gateway and will likely discontinue the lte gateway at some point….figure I might as well go there even if the switch-over will be a PITA for reconnecting all my wifi computers and devices….
I also had the LTE and the same problem with the battery. I called to see if I could get a new battery, instead the sent out the 5G gateway. Found out if you unplug the 5G gateway you lose connection to the internet. Not sure what good the battery is. Been reading other comments about the 5G gateway and the battery issue, so in my opinion the 5G gateway isn’t much good if the power goes off because the battery doesn’t work anyway.
- kennycTransmission Trainee
I’ve been using the new 5G Home Internet Gateway for about a week now and it’s amazingly better. Speed is excellent -- beyond my expectations. I canceled and shipped the 4G Gateway device back to T-Mo as of yesterday.
- pwoodNetwork Novice
Still doing this after a month. Not happy. This was a great setup then they screwed it up.
- kennycTransmission Trainee
5G gateway still working great this morning…. even hit 400 Mbps! a few times. Wow!
- kennycTransmission Trainee
I got my 5G Home Internet Gateway today….. WOW! Huge difference in speed...typically this time of day I’m lucky to get 5 mbps …. it’s running well over 250 mbps….
We’ll see if it holds over the next week or so and then it’s bye-bye LTE Gateway.
- kennycTransmission Trainee
Jimi Hendrix wrote:
After receiving a rather fishy answer about my “red light” I asked for a replacement I was upgraded to the new 5G Gateway and it works just fine, so far only online for about an hour. Download speed from OOKLA is just over 200MPS upload about 8 MPS. The downloads are noticeably better. Streaming on YouTube TV at 1080 HD is no problem. I would suggest that if the battery situation does not resolve try to go with the 5G. Or maybe upgrade anyway. It is much faster.
Excellent! I’m hoping for the same…. my 5G gateway arrives tomorrow…. Not from this screwup, but because I was able (after a year of trying) to order it at my location… I will verify that it works properly then cancel/return the 4G gateway
- Jimi_HendrixNewbie Caller
After receiving a rather fishy answer about my “red light” I asked for a replacement I was upgraded to the new 5G Gateway and it works just fine, so far only online for about an hour. Download speed from OOKLA is just over 200MPS upload about 8 MPS. The downloads are noticeably better. Streaming on YouTube TV at 1080 HD is no problem. I would suggest that if the battery situation does not resolve try to go with the 5G. Or maybe upgrade anyway. It is much faster.
- perrypaNewbie Caller
Well I am like everyone else after the firmware update. Battery went from orange to red to dead. As anyone living in the Northeast US knows, this is the time of year when winter storms can cause temp power outages. It was nice to be able to grab a tablet and jump on wifi and continue watching the game or keep up with weather, road, and power updates without running the phone battery down. No more! Really doesn’t say much about T-Mobile’s quality control to roll this out without complete testing. Support is a joke, if you can get through and understand the rep they just have you do all the tings you have already done. T-Mobile is quick to send text and emails to try to sell you something but totally ignores situations like this. Sad, used to be a big T-Mobile proponent. BTW - 5G service in my area is the wide area version, it makes 3G seem fast.
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