Forum Discussion
5G Home Internet T-Mobile Gateway needs to be fixed. There are too many internet disconnections.
Let me start by saying I do like having wireless internet. The problem is I don’t think it is ready for primetime. Speed is great, price is great, but It loses its connection to the internet about once every two days. It’s sad. I have spoken with T-Mobile many times. They have updated my firmware and done other things (I have no idea what they change there), and they tell me that these changes will fix all the problems. Sure! I am getting close to asking them to replace my Gateway to see if that helps. Has anyone had a replacement and found that helped?
- NanaPNewbie Caller
MisterK wrote:
- JCB972Roaming Rookie
Same issues, same no-fix/no results from TMob no-customer service….we have to switch. I work from home and can’t even download my email anymore. This cannot go on anymore for me.
I don’t know what happened. At 1st this was great, now it is just absolutely useless. Been watching old DVD/Blu-Rays because watching streaming isn’t happening. Sorry to say it, but we are gone...probably will switch our cell phones too. Just bad customer service and products all the way around.
- a1billkNetwork Novice
Hi, I am not a tmobile employee, I dont own stock. I am a retired electronics tech.
I welcome the option.
For internet and tv, I have been stuck with comcast and there lies for years. During one complaint call about comcast pirate pricing, the customer service manager said, “well you can use someone else if you want.” THERE WAS NO OPTIONS. I seriously wanted to petition the government to break them up, because comcast didnt have any real competition where I live, just one cable to my house, thats it.
You all need to remember that a few years ago we were talking on a phone hanging on the wall, The tech that All the cell providers are rolling out is Amazing,
My Kid games on it.
Dont serve websites with this
My kid has this new device in his room, He games on it, so it cant be to bad. acceptable lag and can download Gigabye size games, If your serving websites, this is not for you.
It is what it is.
- magenta10616412Network Novice
A few months ago power cycling the TMHI box would get us back to something reasonably exciting (~200/25), but for the past month that only works about 30% of the time, and even then it doesn’t last very long before I’m seeing speeds down in the 1Mbps range. Seriously! Still connected, but at the speed of a dialup modem.
What is interesting is that my iPhone 13 hotspot will consistently deliver over 300Mbs with vastly better ping rates.
Poking around on the net suggests that the Arcadyan kvd21 firmware is crap. - BekkijamesRoaming Rookie
Over 3 weeks without our Gateway functioning and waiting for our second replacement. It worked perfectly for nearly a year and now it won't connect to the internet. Each time I've been on the phone, we do the troubleshooting and I ask about the clear answers. I live in a rural area. We've come to depend on the gateway access. If I look it up on a map, it shows it's not available in our area, yet we've used it steadily for a year...then suddenly, it stops. They graciously gave me 100 GB of data on my phone's mobile hotspot, but it's gone already. (Plus, they took the $35 fee off for the data boost. Gee, thanks) I'm no IT expert but if our phones work with mobile hotspots just fine, why not the gateway? And the fact they can boost our high speed data temporarily for the inconvenience? I say it's ridiculous and grossly unfair to remove our access to the gateway service after we become dependent and accustomed to having great Internet access. But when the 3rd gateway gets here, if it doesn't work, I'm not sure what I'm going to do...or say. But I'm re to go back to our previous provider.
- itskrudeRoaming Rookie
007BondMI6 wrote:
JANEV wrote:
007BondMI6 wrote:
JANEV wrote:
I don’t care wether you agree with me or not. You don’t know what I’ve done and you really shouldn’t be assuming you know more than I do as far as what I’ve been through. T-Mobile internet doesn’t work and there’s plenty of complaints about their service. And I’m paying the same price for my new internet as I was paying for T-mobile internet, and it works. So for you to assume I’m paying three times the amount as t-mobile internet is an ignorant assumption. Because you’re WRONG. But it sounds like you don’t like being wrong, you just like assuming something you know nothing about.
Aren't you gone now no longer a customer why are you here?
Oh wait, T-mobile internet was consistent. CONSISTENTLY BAD!
for 007bondM16, your a troll who probably works for T-mobile. Best decision I ever made was getting rid of T-mobile internet and going with a RELIABLE internet service for the exact same price!!!!I don't work for TM and not a troll if you took the time to read post I give out help info but then again ppl have to want to recieve help.
There is one huge diff with your cable that your short sightedness where my view is long term. TMHI is $50 per month lifetime I am sure you did not get that from any cable company. So soon your bill will go up same old thing that happens with cable over and over the deal never last long.
As noted by others some it works some it does not bottom line if you work at it you can get it to work. But to each his own you gave up that’s fine as the gateway you returned there is someone waiting to receive it. But come back next year tell us what your cable bill went up to we all will still be at $50 with no data cap. Oh and it’s not personal I just am 100% sure it can work in your location but as I have said many times this is not a take out of the box place on table plug in and it works product. You have to find the right location and maybe even install an antenna that part TM fails at informing customers.
But do post the term your cable co gave you I bet it is a year maybe 2 tops then you pay them full price.
If your stuff is working, why are you on the forums harassing people who are having problems? You’re not being helpful. Saying “If you work at it you can get it to work” is such a strawman argument. You don’t think everyone on here hasn’t been working at it? Everyone is literally living in a different location. T-Mobile wants to put a box in everyones home if possible, but they are giving priority to mobile users. That’s why a 5 bar connection on a trashcan can equal .25 mbs down while a 5g phone right beside it gets 100+mbs. It’s not science, and you are being a troll. Absolutely no one cares that it is working for you.
- Moe73Roaming Rookie
They have over expanded their network to much for the towers to be able to handle it all. And they just keep screwing more and more people out of their hard earned money. Turn out to be a BS company
- Moe73Roaming Rookie
I've had t mobile going on a year now and I'm sick and tired of their BS excuses. The service is the worse its ever been I'm leaving them with the home internet next month and going with an actual wifi carrier. Plan on keeping my phone service because I'm getting 1 of their devices to boost my cell signal strength but if that doesn't work I'll leave them altogether. I have hundreds of dollars in Call of Duty Mobile and their service just keeps screwing me bad. Just 1 example. I will not ever recommend T mobile to anyone ever again. It's the worst service I've ever had in my life and it just keeps getting worse so screw it.
- PachuloNewbie Caller
When I call into TM support, they have me unplug to reboot and think that’s going to solve the problem. They have sent me 3 different gateways and it seems to be getting worse with seven reboots today.
- ddmacppTransmission Trainee
Sorry for all the mispells. 4 days without disconnect then one tuesday AM. This could be tmobile rebooting their system. Problem is you have to reboot the router (it does not auto connect to internet even though wifi and cell signals are good) and if not home you can not do this remotely. Supposedly tmobile may be able to do this remotely. Went 7 days before that without disconnect.
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