Forum Discussion
5G home internet keeps dropping
UPDATE TO MY SITUATION….Today is thursday, February 29, 2024. A couple weeks ago I went to the T-Mobile store and returned my 2nd (🤯🤯) white gateway and exchanged it for a black tall gateway. The black tall gateway hooked all of my devices up immediately. It didn't take weeks and months like the white gateway gave me problems. So between the cell towers being worked on and the White gateway (being too restrictive due to higher security thresholds), I think those 2 issues caused many problems for me. Currently, the service drops off maybe once a day compared to before, which was 10 or more times a day. So for those of you whose heads are exploding like mine did, try returning Your WHITE GATEWAY for a black one. Now if you have a black one already and have similar problems, please see Curious George’s reply. Best of wishes to all of you who prefer lower costs for internet!!
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