Forum Discussion
5G home internet keeps dropping
Mark H wrote:I seems more than arrogant and condescending for you to conclude that if people take issue with your attitude then they don’t want help. You have great service and that much is clear. This is about those people who are not so lucky.
You could have great service too if you would just post your readings and take advice. You seem like you more want to complain about your bad service then be helped. Remember at first I did not have good service I had issues like you. I had to do my own investigation and figure out where towers were what band they had and where I could get the best signal. Only after moving my unit around for oh like a month and adding and ext ant did I find a great spot with great service.
Maybe you misunderstand me you said “My Gateway has been in the same place it always has been and shows three bars consistently, sometimes four. I don’t move it around like a cell phone. What an inane “suggestion.”
As I have stated so many time Bars mean nothing at all it is the signal quality that matters. So you could have 5 bars and such a low SNR that it just does not work. So if you post real data not bars you could be helped. If you search you will find post where people move it around have less bars but better signal quality and better service with less bars. So no I am not insane but you are a fool if you think moving it around won't help you. But you know keep it just where you have it and keep complaining about your service I guess. If you knew even a little about how signals work you would understand that moving it would help. But again seems like the bars are really working for you so keep on that path and don't accept help. Why take 2 seconds to post your reading and get some real advice when you can keep saying that you have 3-4 bars and bad service, sounds like a plan to me.
Again if you really wanted help with far less effort you could have posted your signal readings and already had some solid advice. The fact that you have not is what indicates you really don't want help. People that want help take advice when it’s given and don't keep posting about their problems over and over.
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