Forum Discussion
syncUp Tracker
has anyone have this plugged in to a power bank to extend battery life?
- gjk735Roaming Rookie
I asked Voltaic for recommendation re which of their models to use (sent and Battery size/type: 890 mAh. Waiting.
- gjk735Roaming Rookie
Meowta wrote:
I am using a ZGEAR Power Bank, model PB-U50CIND02A-BKCP. The ZGEAR unit’s capacity is 3.7V, 5000 mAh (18.5Wh) and a total of 2.1 Amps Max. I purchased the device as a markdown/closeout item at a Kroger store for $5 - $10. The Voltaic unit you are considering appears to be much more technically advanced.
Thank you. Should work then? May choose one that last longer (i.e. more expensive than base model).
- gjk735Roaming Rookie
What power bank
Meowta wrote:
I have used an inexpensive, external power pack multiple times. The results have been overwhelmingly positive. I have been able to keep the paltry, stock battery within the SyncUp tracker at 100% for up to 6 full days before having to rely on the SyncUp tracker’s meager, internal battery.
There are a few drawbacks, however. One disadvantage is the direct result of an inconvenient physics principle. After the external power pack’s battery is fully drained and the SyncUp tracker’s built-in battery is diminished to a certain level, the SyncUp Tracker’s internal battery’s electricity apparently begins flowing back into the exhausted power pack. This will significantly reduce the battery life of the SyncUp Tracker’s, already, inadequate battery by, perhaps, 33% or more. A higher quality external power pack with adequate control circuitry may remedy this problem.
What power bank did you use? I'm considering,little%20to%20no%20power%20draw.
- jakobeRoaming Rookie
my tmobile version magnet has the 5 pins, I also had the Sprint trackers they never gave me a problem.
It is plugged into an always on usb port in my Jeep and has been for quite some time, I dont even touch it. Every once in a while I go and reboot it maybe every 4-5 week. but it charges just fine.the trackers can never get to 100 techincally if they are powered on, since they are always consuming power unless sitting absolutely still and uncommunicated with.
even opening ther app to locate them brings them online or movement, or whatever other settings you have elected to enable will bring them online and consume power, if they are connected to a cable they will charge as far as I know. Mine have never gone dead.
in a nutshell. the way I believe them to be working…..the device charges to 100, then sits idle, then it gets a signal to come online, then it detects the charger and recharges. rinse/repeat
- Professor_PlumNetwork Novice
Hey Jacobi, you sound like you’ve dealt with these a while. I use them for vehicle anti-theft.
A short question to skip reading all the below history novel: you say you leave it on usb charge 24/7 and it doesn’t run down? Does your magnet cord have four pins or five pins?
Maybe that design change allows that now. I need to test that.Why do I ask this?
In 2019, I got the Sprint “Safe & found Tracker” I’ll call it the “4-pin” tracker made by Coolpad, there were only four pins on the cord magnet. If you left it on a live usb charger, it would charge to 100, stop charging, and drain down to zero. (T-mobile says new ones will still do that) So I needed to cycle the power source to keep it alive. I got a digital 12volt on/off programmable timer off the internet, to cycle the usb car charge ON for X minutes. Two one hour charges per day worked great. 24hr protection of course; fed by the car’s battery.
With the 3g Sunset original date to be “Jan 2022”, during the Spint/Tmobile merger, my wife and me also had cellphones set to go dead also, so we had to buy all new stuff in Nov 2021. MY cellphone was still in factory warranty, went to junk drawer, with all our USB-B chargers, cords headphones!
The Tmobile Syncup tracker was a “5 pin” (made by Coolpad also), I had to swap in the new 5-pin cable. After argueing it, they finally let us keep our original Sprint phone #’s, still in Sprint’s database, not T-mobile’s yet, including the new Tracker. But it could not locate, until they did some trick to use it’s Sprint # instead of gmail ID to activate. Fine.
Then in April 2023, it kept going offline, right about when the merged databases were announced, and the bill changed to T-Mob. The mobile app upgraded, and won’t complete “Onboarding”. Their store told me they had a current deal of 3 Syncup trackers at half price service. I wanted another one anyway, for my wife’s used car that OnStar went 3g dead this year. (conspiracy deluxe, must-buy-new-car-along-with-phones!)
Well the new ones do work great! Still “5-pin” but now brand shows TCL
They still can’t get the Coolpad 5-pin to Onboard, but they sure are still trying! LOL
- jakobeRoaming Rookie
i have had one in my car for about a year connected to an always on usb port. no issues except the random signal disconnect…..except for lately none of my trackers will come online. I think its tmobile service related, but leaving them on a charge will keep them charged.
- Professor_PlumNetwork Novice
Not common, need timer to cycle usb power. Works fine. Otherwise it will charge 100% and not take more charge unless charger is cycled off first.
I have my charger source turn on twice a day for one hour. Works great.
For vehicle, using 12v digital timer that feeds to a " cig. lighter" charger. Tracker magnet held tight with zip ties.
- tmo_mike_cT-Mobile Employee
I’m not seeing that doing something like that is common, however, there are a few things you can do to improve the battery life:
- Lower how frequent the location updates
- Only play the sound when necessary
- Turn off Quick Tracking Mode
- Turn off the TRACKER when it’s not being used
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