Forum Discussion
Kids SyncUp Watch unpairing
I had already paired our syncup watches to my phone in the new Tlife app. The watches died so we charged and once it turned on we have not been able to get it out of the pair setting when you first turn on the watch. I’ve turned it off and turned it back on for a few hours see if that would help nothing, restarted same result, and even tried to re-pair it without unpairing, which told me it was already paired. On the t life app the watch shows up but it says it is out of battery. The app on my phone doesn't need an update. Has anyone found a solution for this?
- KeefNetwork Novice
Hey all, I too have been having issues with my kids watch going back into "pairing mode" after the watch dies, or is restarted. I work in IT, and so far from the troubleshooting I have performed, uninstalling the app on my phone seemed to have helped the issue. The app seems to be the core of the issue. Now if I have to restart the watch, I go into the T life app, select the device, then go to the settings in the upper right hand corner. Go to Location Refresh, and then change the location refresh between 15/30 mins. What this does is sends some sort of a signal to the watch, and the watch is back. It has worked every time I have had to restart the watch.
Its not a permanent fix, but it band-aid for now.- KeefNetwork Novice
REINSTALLING the app, my bad typo...
- MelugagoNewbie Caller
This is happening with one of ours as well. I did notice if I go to the watch line's location refresh in TLife and hit the 15 minute line it will cause the phone to respond and pair back. It's magic, but not a true fix. Another tech told me today to do a factory reset by going to the Watch information in Settings on the watch and hitting the word "Software" 8 times then choosing Factory Reset. So far it's been working better when we shut it down and restart.
- CindasaurusRoaming Rookie
So I took my phone and the watch to Tmobile. The associate unpaired the watch and then paired them again. She went into the app, clicked on "connect" at the bottom of the screen, clicked on my son (whose watch is unpaired), then clicked on the settings icon in the upper right hand corner. From there, go to "Watch Information" and scroll to the bottom where it says to "Unpair watch" and click on that. Then I had to pair them up again using the QR code on his watch screen. I asked if this is something I will need to do everytime the battery dies, and she of course said, "No." But at least if/when it does, I will know what to do.
- CindasaurusRoaming Rookie
I am having the same issue. I am more than frustrated with the app and these watches since getting them a month ago. If anyone has a solution, please share!!!. I plan to go to the T-mobile store to have them look at it (in all my spare time to do it).
- Myla88Network Novice
I am having the exact same problem every time we charge it I can't it to pair I tried restart shut it down updated app and my phone made sure Bluetooth is on and none on airplane mode but idk what else to do I will be contacting T-Mobile this is a pain in the ass
- CindasaurusRoaming Rookie
So I took my phone and the watch to Tmobile. The associate unpaired the watch and then paired them again. She went into the app, clicked on "connect" at the bottom of the screen, clicked on my son (whose watch is unpaired), then clicked on the settings icon in the upper right hand corner. From there, go to "Watch Information" and scroll to the bottom where it says to "Unpair watch" and click on that. Then I had to pair them up again using the QR code on his watch screen. I asked if this is something I will need to do everytime the battery dies, and she of course said, "No." But at least if/when it does, I will know what to do.
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