Forum Discussion

BONAIREdiver's avatar
Newbie Caller
4 years ago

Paramount+ stopped streaming on Samsung TV

Paramount+ was working well on Samsung TV, but all of a sudden every time we try to access Paramount+ an error code is received.  Have done the standard reboot of television and rebooting the router.  Problem still occurs.

  • Muddog's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    I have the same problem Oops 6040 error message. I have to reboot DN to watch a show. When it comes to a advertisement it goes into a 5sec loop and never goes into the advertisement. 

    Paramout said they are working on it.

    I've been watching Paramout for weeks then it crapped out is the day I changed to t-mobile home internet. It's also the same day dish network did an update. 

    So who is the problem DN, t-mobile or Paramout?