Forum Discussion

ChefZiggy's avatar
Roaming Rookie
2 years ago

Tmobile home internet bleeding data?

since after 9 months of being on waiting list unlimited TMobile internet is still not available, they convinced me to try the 100 GB a month plan. Anyone else finding they are being lied to about the data being used?? It said I went through 100 GB in under a week and I was only watching shows on Netflix and Crunchyroll, only 1 device connected, no additional downloads... and according to T-Mobile texts from the time it texted me I was at 95% to the time it texted me I used 100% data was only 20 minutes.. there is no way I watched 5 gigs worth of movie/show in 20 minutes, even HD 4k takes about 1 hours per GB used... and then I go to the data usage section on T-Mobile it says I used all 100 GB, but further down the page it shows only 96 GB was used.. and now that I'm using low speed, it's even slower then low speed tethering from my phone.. (TMobile internet low speed is 2G .. TMobile phone tethering low speed is 3G ... 3 G you can still watch Netflix and amazon video, 2G you can't even get passed the log in page)

  • keickholt's avatar
    Network Novice

    For me, it kept saying Internet was unavailable, so I bought 2 100 GB data plans. Finally, I called customer service. They were extremely helpful and explained the “check availability” wasn’t working for us because our remote address isn’t in the USPS database. They got it straightened out and now we have their unlimited Internet plan for $50/month instead of paying $100 for 200GB.

    They NEVER tried to lie to me just to get me to buy a data plan. 

    If someone has issues, they should call and talk to a rep. Not the chat bots, they don’t know anything, a real person.

    FWIW, I did notice our data shows way less usage on the Internet plan instead of when we had the data plans. I don’t know why, but I don’t really care. We stream Netflix, do everything with no slowdowns now.

    I hope this helps someone.

  • used since YESTERDAY at 5:30pm!!!


    Check out the usage from 6:31-6:34 PM from Yesterday this is with ONE-Two(Max) TVs going!!! This is INSANE!

  • YESSS!!! The usage they're claiming I've used is literally OFF THE CHARTS! Theyre claiming I've used nearly 100 GB in less than 24 hours!!! I normally use roughly 30GB PER MONTH and the usage they're claiming is NOWHERE NEAR the standard amounts quoted ANYWHERE - this service is TRASH!!! Probably going to go with Verizon after this garbage free trial! Also with no changes in my useage

  • I cannot explain why your phone usage is so low compared to TMHI for similar viewing habits, unless your phone is passing video data at 480p rather than Hi Def (that’s the way my AT&T phone plan works). 

    For data usage reference, here are the approximate data requirements for various YouTube TV resolutions: 480p: 560 MB/hr, 720p@60Hz: 1.9 GB/hr, 1080p@60Hz: 3 GB/hr, 4K: 16 GB/hr. 

    So it seems to me that watching standard HiDef (1080p@60Hz) is not that far from what you're experiencing, and if you are watching 4K  you would be way higher.

    Back when I was under the Internet Lite plan (200 gig), I was pretty careful about watching my data usage and came to the conclusion that the YouTube TV bitrate requirements shown above were pretty accurate.  Also, I have another home where I have AT&T fiber and when I travel there my usage habits are pretty much the same, and my data usage reported by AT&T is on-par with what TM reports.

  • ChefZiggy's avatar
    Roaming Rookie
    henry51 wrote:

    @ChefZiggy, have you tried checking your TMO account?

    Yes I did and even that wasn't accurate, it said I had used 100 GB, but in the data usage section it showed only 96 used at the time.. (and this was me checking 4 days after it said I reached my 100 GB limit...) but 4K HD movies and shows only use up about 1 GB an hour of data, but if TMobile has me burning through 5 GB + in under an hour, with only the one device connected and no other downloads happening, there is something very wrong going on.. 

  • ChefZiggy's avatar
    Roaming Rookie

    But I haven't changed my usage habits.. for a while I would pay for 20 GB of high speed tethering through my phone and would use that up in around a week watching Crunchyroll, yet using T-Mobile internet I use 10 GB up in about 3 hours .. so somewhere it's bleeding my internet usage at a rate of at least 3x higher then it should be 

  • I’m a fairly moderate (certainly not heavy) user, and I can easily blow thru way more than 100 gig in a week.  I was on the 200 gig Internet Lite plan, and it was a real challenge to stay within that limit.  Basically, I would watch OTA as much as I could, and when using YouTube TV, I would set resolution to 480p.  You have less control over Netflix, so I would us that only very sparingly.