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t-mo modem questions
i just got the square modem /gateway today and i need had to not only change the default on the modems passwords but a few other settings. so how can i get into the setting on this modem? a few years ago i tested the round white or silver one they called a trash can and i managed to get into the settings but i forgot how to do it. my netgear router has an ip address for it so i guess inac enter that and see but also what i need to get are the ports it uses. i have cameras and they are now connected to the netgear router and the t-mo modem is also plugged into my network and that network is plugged into the netgear router/modem.
i kind of figure i will not be able to see my cameras when i’m away from the home but when i’m at home i want to see them. at this time i see 5 foscams but i can’t see the dvrs or nvrs so if i can figure out the default port or i can get into the t-mo modems settings and change the port then i may be able to configure the cameras on my phone. thanks
- corvairbob65Newbie Caller
thanks for the help. i just gave up and took it back maybe in a few years it will get better. the older one worked better but they said they can’t get them anymore. so lets see. or maybe another company will have these that work better. thanks for the help
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
I think attempting to get port forwarding working on the T-Mobile gateway is a futile venture due to the 464XLAT solution they use with the IPv6 T-Mobile network. It does have some limitations. If everything went IPv6 native lots of things could be made to work with much less effort. Using IPv4 and NAT and port forwarding just is not going to happen with the 464XLAT solution T-Mobile uses. Search on Reddit and you can find out more as many out there have been trying to workaround limitations with VPN solutions so it just gets to be more work and more cost.
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
So you are referring to the public IP address roll. Yep, that does take place. I believe some users that need to run a business can obtain a business account and pay to have a static IP for the public side. Some users run a VPN and pay for a static IP on the other end of the VPN tunnel to avoid that problem.
Due to T-Mobile’s use of the 464XLAT and their IPv6 network the IPv4 addresses on the public side are shared therefore do change. I go to at times and check. It can change fairly rapidly. So far it has not caused me any real issues but I don’t have streaming applications that are based upon the IP address for location. I can see the IPv4 is routed out of Atlanta and I am in east TN so go figure. The backhaul runs out there from the local edge resources.
- corvairbob65Newbie Caller
when i look at my cameras on my phone with the tinycam app it gives me the ip address the system uses. my netgear says but has a different address in the app that is like the one i posted above. the t-mo says but on the phone camera app it is the one i sent. but now it is different as i turned off the t-mo to clear it form my phone to get my cameras to work again they got hung up on that t-mo address. and when i turned the t-mo back in the cameras still worked but that address was different. plus the t-mo app is not working is it stuck on the same page as on your iphone. so tomorrow i will stop in to t-mo store and have them see if they can figure it out plus i have nate your tubes saved and will see if i can do a back door before i return it. i may be able to set the port up or doe some port forwarding so my cameras will get thru it. thanks
- corvairbob65Newbie Caller
thanks for that extensive info. i deleted the app and then went to t-mo onine and had them download that app again on the samsung a51 and then i had to reset the password.
the ip address is not what i meant i was referring to the address in the background it was and now it is different.
i got the app on my phone but now it is just setting there with the red t and at the bottom it has hello there and it has been setting there now for 10 minutes so for some reason the app just does not want to work. so if i can’t get it by next thursday i will just pack it back up and forget it for another 3 year or so and just bite the bullet with comcast again.
tomorrow i will reset it and see if i can work out the bug it has. but i will not mess much as i did that 3 years ago with the 4g unit. before i try to do any ports or static addresses i first have to get the app going and see what i can do with it. thanks
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
I hate to break it to you but the gateway never changes the gateway address. Not ever. The T-Mobile home internet mobile application is the T-Mobile way to manage the gateway. The Arcadyan and Sagemcon provide NO other means of admin management. The T-Mobile application is a real bad piece of work. If you have an iPhone best of luck getting beyond the “Lets get you started!” page. Seriously I do hope you have better luck than most. I have the iPhone 12 Pro and that application almost never works. There is another post, Anyone's Home Internet App not loading? which has feeble attempts to get the thing working. Sometimes it does, and sometimes not. If you have an old Android phone stashed in a drawer some place, even with no SIM card, you can try loading the mobile application on an Android phone and probably get it to actually present the login page and not be useless.
The only other avenue I can recommend is to go watch Nater Tater YouTube videos he has made about each of the T-Mobile gateways and how to backdoor connect and do management through more creative measures. He has posted a backdoor scripting that allows the Arcadyan configuration in JSON format to be extracted, edited, and then sent back into the gateway with altered configuration parameters for doing what is a real pain to do via the mobile application when it does not want to play.
Nate also presented another script for the Sagemcon that allows the user to step through turning off the wireless radios so another router connected to the gateway does not have those channels engaged causing possible interference.
The 4G LTE gateway and the Nokia gateway are the only ones that allow the web GUI interface for management via the admin interface. Those are simple to access with a browser and easy to manage. The Arcadyan and Sagemcon require using the T-Mobile home internet mobile application OR one of the backdoor access methods as outlined by Nate via his Nater Tater YouTube channel.
I wish I had a much better answer for you but sorry I don’t. I have the same problems repeatedly with the T-Mobile home internet application on my T-Mobile purchased Apple iPhone 12 Pro. I believe their mobile application may be worse for behavior on the iOS 16.2 than before maybe. I can now seldom get it to stop presenting the Lets get you connected! page. It presents the page where you have the option to try to login but then the application can’t seem to connect to the gateway EVEN THOUGH the phone is connected to the gateway wireless network. Some management application eh? I have had very limited success where if I bring up that app and then turn the wireless off on my phone and then wait 30 seconds or so and then turn the iPhone wireless back on the mobile application MIGHT connect to the gateway and present the login screen. Sorry, but as many times as I have tried and all the time I have wasted trying to use that application and figure out a solid way to get it to work I have not been able to determine a foolproof way to make it work. OK, most of the time on my old Pixel that has NO SIM card and barely holds a charge the application works most of the time. So, an Android might run the application and not have you pulling your hair out.
OR Go check out Nater Tater’s YouTube videos for the backdoor access methods.
- corvairbob65Newbie Caller
ok i rebooted my phone and it tells me i’m on the t-mo modem but the app will not open it want me to go into the setup the modem again. so does this modem change it’s ip address every time it restarts? if so can i make it static. plus now the phone is on the t-mo modem but the app still want me to reset up the modem and it will not set up. so it must have changed the ip address on the modem. my pc is connected to the t-mo modem now and i can see my cameras on the pc.
i tired to log onto the app but it will not take the admin password on the can nor will it take the admin password i had to change it to.
i will move the t-mo modem to the kitchen tomorrow and if i have to reset it and start over i will. but if it gives me much more for issues i will jus take it back and again wait for maybe 3 more years. it has to be better than this. or it is just not worth the trouble.
- corvairbob65Newbie Caller
ok so tell me do i have to be on the t-mo modem for the app to work? i was on that modem with my phone but then when i went to look at my cameras they did not show on my phone so i went back for now to the netgear modem
so i just launched the t-mo app and it wants me to go thru the reconnect the modem again. when i was on the t-mo modem on my phone i had to go thru that set up 3 or four times. so will i have to go thru that setup every time i open the t-mo app? and when the app tried to connect to the t-mo modem it will not connect with the password i set it to the same password i used for my pc. or will that password be different for the phone app?
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
To manage the Sagemcon gateway T-Mobile provides the home internet mobile application. You have to launch the mobile application and login as “admin” then you have the fully authorized T-Mobile management access.
There is no web GUI management access on the Sagemcon gateway via the gateway IP address. Management via the admin account is through the mobile application.
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