Forum Discussion
Plex Remote Access Unavailable.
I have the T-Mobile router connected to Google Wifi. Obviously double NAT. I get this in Plex settings:
Not available outside your network
Your server is signed in to Plex, but is not reachable from outside your network. Learn moreTip: It looks like your server may be connected to the internet through multiple routers or other network devices. Try connecting it directly to your primary device, or visit our support site for more information about troubleshooting this "Double-NAT" scenario.
I know there is no bridge mode. I’m thinking some kind of port forward may work but that’s not even available. Anyone found a way around this? Gotta have my Plex.
- adventure_tenseNetwork Novice
I anticipated that I would have challenges with Plex running outside of my network when I switched to a cellular home service. For everything else it’s been a great experience.
I have absolutely no doubt at all the T-Mobile is preventing customers from having self hosted servers. It eats up a lot of bandwidth.
Now I just wish they could just come out and state that clearly so that we don’t have to keep coming back to these forums to see if something has changed. It won’t. Period.
If one of us figured out a technical solution and posted it here, T-Mobile would very quietly block it.
- bocaboy2591Bandwidth Buddy
RV12_Pilot, I use a combination of SimpliSafe and Blink cameras, 7 in all. So far they've been fine on T-Mobile. I don't manage them outside of the house, but I'm not seeing any performance hit in watching their output when I'm away. I used to leave a computer running to get to devices in the house, but I've stopped doing that as the technology has improved. For the record, I'm Mac-based.
As I've said to others in this forum, I am happily surprised at the quality of Internet service I’m getting with T-Mobile. I would have expected more latency, but even at the greatly reduced bandwidth over Xfinity, I’m just not seeing it. It's just my wife and I, and streaming and video conferencing are the two things we need to work. If I couldn't stream on T-Mobile without hiccups, I'd still be on Xfinity.
- RV12_PilotNetwork Novice
I can monitor my ip cameras and use remotepc outside my T-Mobile internet. I keep a small stick computer on when I leave, so I can get into my network “via remotepc” and make changes to my devices. My cameras are Amcrest and they have a built-in P2P and a dns system.
You can also put a Mikrotik router behind the T-Mobile router and config with many different vpn(s) for getting into your lan from outside. - bocaboy2591Bandwidth Buddy
I agree with 5G_ViabilitySkeptic’s answer above. I think T-Mobile doesn't care about people who know networks and want the capabilities to NAT a connection. I, too, use Plex. I don't have any reason to use it outside of my home, so that issue is somewhat irrelevant to me, but I certainly understand those who want to use this feature. The sad truth is probably that T-Mobile Internet is not for you.
- 5G_ViabilitySkeNetwork Novice
extremetm wrote:
Oddly enough I am able to get to Plex from outside the network despite the ‘unavailable’ message.
With all of the secondary routers out there in millions of households, T-Mobile really needs to add a bridge mode option. I get that the dumbing down of technology is the trend now but it comes at too much of a cost for the rest of us. Choice is a great thing.
I am really leaning towards the fact that T-Mobile is trying to hamper use of any kind of service like this.
Imagine your on a public wifi network with no control over routing or anything like that...thats more or less all they really want their customers to use it for I think.
But thats one mans opinion I’m curious if anyone else agrees
- James_HNetwork Novice
I just ran into this setting up my plex server behind a pfsense router/firewall. would some kind of dynamicdns service help? been watching a lot of network chuck vids on youtube. Still havent found an answer yet, but im not giving up.
- Lars_TNewbie Caller
I’m another plex user with this problem. T-Mobile, please find a solution to this problem. I suggest everyone call TMO tech support and ask for a solution.
- Hogwash4321Newbie Caller
I am able to use Plex outside my network. I am setup double NAT (no bridge mode) and have the older 4g gateway. I have everything in the house connected to my router and the router is connected to the gateway with Ethernet. I have the WiFi disabled on the gateway as well.
settings on Gateway:
“Expert → NAT Forwarding → DMZ” DMZ active and select router. Save this.“Expert → Security → Access Control” set “Active” “Whitelist” “Add New” “Enable Entry” select router and click “Apply”
These settings also allow me to use VPN on my work PC connected to my router. I also have other ports forwarded on my router and they all work.
- pchristNetwork Novice
so is there a way to get it to work? Zero tier, packetriot? Is there anything. Would love to get this access working again. Any suggestions would be awesome!
- mpr444Newbie Caller
Binkser wrote:
The other option is custom firmware for the Router side of the gateway. Who knows if anyone wants to put the resources into it. The idea of needing custom firmware for the most basic of features is ridiculous. They need to allow port forwarding or at least Bridge mode. Not asking for much, lets be honest here.
It would not work due to carrier setup. You don’t have a unique public IP when connecting to a cell tower. The tower would have to know how to find you and know that someone wants to access that specific port just as treddy said.
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