Forum Discussion

pyc90292's avatar
Network Novice
2 years ago

How can I get my final bill?

I ported out all my numbers and no longer have my PIN.  The online account has been deactivated as well.

Customer Service can’t even email me my final bill?

How can I access the final bill?

  • syaoran's avatar
    Transmission Titan
    MRUDULPH wrote:

    No you can’t get your final bill. I have spent approximately 2 ½ hr’s. either on the phone or in the store trying to obtain my final bill once you switch to another carrier, yet to no avail. There is nothing T-Mobile can, will or is even able to do until after the billing cycle, period. Until this happened I was considering returning to T-Mobile but this “no receipt immediately after switching carriers” felt like a punishment for leaving there service that I could never return to this carrier even after being a customer for 6 ½ years.

    Just because you port out doesn't mean your service with T-Mobile is canceled.  Even if you call in to cancel, the bill still will more than likely not generate until the next billing date to make sure any and all charges associated with your account are calculated and post on the final bill.  Depending on how close you were to your billing date when you cancel, you might get one more regular bill and then a final bill.

  • No you can’t get your final bill. I have spent approximately 2 ½ hr’s. either on the phone or in the store trying to obtain my final bill once you switch to another carrier, yet to no avail. There is nothing T-Mobile can, will or is even able to do until after the billing cycle, period. Until this happened I was considering returning to T-Mobile but this “no receipt immediately after switching carriers” felt like a punishment for leaving there service that I could never return to this carrier even after being a customer for 6 ½ years.

  • syaoran's avatar
    Transmission Titan

    You can also visit your local T-Mobile store to get a copy of your final bill.

  • gramps28's avatar
    Router Royalty

    Try contacting Tmobile support using messenger on one of Tmobile’s social media accounts like Facebook or X.

  • pyc90292's avatar
    Network Novice

    How am I able to update my address if I can’t access my account online and customer service can’t do anything without a PIN?

  • HeavenM's avatar
    Community Manager
    pyc90292 wrote:

    Is this the case even if I have been on paperless billing?

    Yes. Even if you were on paper billing, the final is mailed. You will want to make sure that the billing address is up to date on your account. 

  • pyc90292's avatar
    Network Novice

    Is this the case even if I have been on paperless billing?

  • HeavenM's avatar
    Community Manager

    Hey there! It’s great that you are keeping an eye out for that final bill so you don't risk missing it. The website access is linked to the phone number being active so when you port out it does deactivate that portal. The final bill is generated at the end of your normal bill cycle and then is printed and mailed to the address on file. If you want to get it before the mail would be delivered, you can wait til 72 hours after the bill cycle close date and then visit a store to have them print that bill for you. 

    I think the biggest point of confusion is that the final bill still generates at the end of the bill cycle and not when you port your numbers out. 

    Hope that clarifies things. Have a great day!