Forum Discussion
Unlocked the phone
здравствуйте! заблркирован телефон под вашего оператора, прошу разблокировать его, так как срок контракта с Вами истек.
iphone 5s 16gb
model A1533
You must meet the following criteria to request an unlock thru T-Mobile US. If you meet the requirements the procedure on how to request it and the requirements are provided here:
Unlock your mobile wireless device
The biggest is you must be a former and active T-Mobile US customer or they will not unlock the device. If you are not the original owner and not a former T-Mobile US customer you will need to use a 3rd party unlocking service (you will have to Google to find one). Before paying for that I would make sure the device is not blacklisted (i.e. listed as stolen or still has a financial obligation against it) here otherwise even unlocked it won't work on a lot of networks as they all share blacklisted IMEI numbers; IMEI Status Check | See if Your Phone Works on T-Mobile 4G Network
- HeavenMCommunity Manager
Hello all.
Unlocking the device is such a great capability because then you can use it anywhere any time. Unfortunately, we do not have account access to unlock devices through the Community. This is a customer forum where people can connect and share knowledge.
Before reaching out, you can review our unlock policies that @gramps28 has kindly shared above. If you have more questions about unlocking your specific device, you will need to reach out to us by giving us a call or sending us a message on Facebook, Twitter, or the T-Mobile app.
- gramps28Router Royalty
You need to be a Tmobile USA customer and meet the requirements in the link below. If you never were a Tmobile USA customer then they can't help.
- maqcukNetwork Novice
Hello! iPhone 12 pro
Serial number - DNPDR1HZ0D81
Imei - 356683114400461
Please unblock it - NavarovNetwork Novice
Мой телефон заблркирован под вашего оператора, прошу разблокировать его
iphone 6 16gb
номер модели MG542LL/A
IMEI 359236064207779
Заранее благодарю вас за помощь. - NavarovNetwork Novice
My phone is locked to your carrier, please unlock it
iphone 6 16gb
model number MG542LL/A
IMEI 359236064207779
Thank you in advance for your help. - MamedovNetwork Novice
- gramps28Router Royalty
Did you buy it from a Tmobile USA store?
- MamedovNetwork Novice
How can it be like this if I have been using it for 3 years? I bought it new in the store
- gramps28Router Royalty
Mamedov wrote:
357332097653287 разблокируйте пожалуйста
It can't be unlocked because it's blocked for non payment or reported lost or stolen.
- MamedovNetwork Novice
357332097653287 разблокируйте пожалуйста
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