Forum Discussion
Ok. thank you for clarifying that you used different emails as well as sending to different phone numbers. I am sorry if you feel like you have to repeat yourself on this. I just like to make sure I am fully understanding and looking at it closely to avoid any possible oversight. You did really well eliminating the possibility of the email addresses and the phone numbers as the problems. You said you tried just short text and included files or pictures, so that rules out size. I think the weirdest thing on this one is that you are not getting any kind of kick back about the messages that you are sending. Once you send the message out, on the backend of any messaging system (email or text) there are a lot of pings back and forth to verify the packets are being sent and received along the way. Examples can be failed to send, undeliverable, dropped packet, and even unable to send because of different filters. You are getting none of those and they are really the most helpful thing to help figure out why a message may not be successful.
You did mention T-Mobile PC earlier and I think that is one of the last things we haven’t covered so far. I am sorry if this seems like a silly question, but what did you mean by T-Mobile PC? Are you sending all of these messages from the same computer?
One other thought. Have you tried sending a text from your phone to your email address to see if that works, or if it kicks back an error?