Forum Discussion

Heccue's avatar
Newbie Caller
11 months ago

challenge failed TMO hsi and MLB 24 the show online

Does anyone have an idea on how to fix the “challenge failed” error on MLB THE SHOW 24 ? Seems to only be an issue for people who have TMOBILE HOME INTERNET. 

  • JoePR's avatar
    Newbie Caller
    Kuske88 wrote:

    Any luck with this? I brought my Xbox to a buddies place and MLB the show 24 worked on their spectrum service. It’s a shame too, I was really hyping up T-Mobile.

    This doesn't fix the issue. You only had luck.

  • Kuske88's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    Tried that it didn’t work. What does your gateway look like? I have the black sagecom one

  • So I did a quick fix by hard resetting my internet, changed the WPA2 setting to WPA and it worked for about a week, then back to the same BS. Ou also changed “ports” on ther actual Xbox settings itself until my NAT type was open and not moderate.

  • Kuske88's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    Any luck with this? I brought my Xbox to a buddies place and MLB the show 24 worked on their spectrum service. It’s a shame too, I was really hyping up T-Mobile.

  • Same issue here.. it is very frustrating because it never started until 3 weeks ago and its been crap ever since 

  • Same issue, I’ve tried every work around and nothing seems to work. If anyone can solve this please reply!!

  • Skii's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    I’m having the same issues bro, whatever it is, it’s dealing with T-Mobile connecting to the show server. Can we get some help on this Tmobile? Every other game works fine