Forum Discussion

feeling_regret's avatar
Newbie Caller
2 years ago

Did anyone else switch to T-Mobile and regret it?

I was sold on T-Mobile in the store.  I thought I was going to get 4 lines for about 150-160 a month.  I was supposed to get a 200 gift card for making the switch which could only be used at t-mobile but they said I could just use it to pay my bill for a month.  I’d get free Netflix. And the coverage map showed my home in the deepest pink available so I would be all set for coverage.

I never got my gift card.  I still haven’t paid less that 220 in a month.  The coverage is awful.  The Netflix they gave was some broken down version with ads and some of the library missing.  Every single thing about T-Mobile has felt like a bait and switch.  I’m 3 months in and every time I think of T-Mobile I want to cry because I feel like a fool for going to this carrier.

Does it ever get better?  

  • I've been a T-Mobile customer for over 10 years and have had little to complain about, especially as somebody who has traveled internationally for work. 

    However, now an unelected fascist and a gang of toadies too young to rent a car have been given access to Americans' personal information while they cut programs that save lives in the US and abroad. And T-Mobile decided to partner with this fascist, and it really makes me want to jump off this bootlicking ship. 

  • I unfortunately and been with T-Mobile for going on 5 years it's the only service that actually works inside my house. I am a hostage of theirs. I have never been more disgusted, more upset, more violated, by a company. I thought Sprint had raped me enough but apparently T-Mobile feels they need to stick it to you with no kiss. It doesn't ever get better, as a matter of fact it gets progressively worse. Customer service is unbelievably disgusting, rude, vile, they use the T-Mobile customer service line to call me back to harass me then they go to private number to call me back and call me a b*tch. The piece of crap phone that they sold me, they won't stand behind. I have a continuous glucose monitor that saves my life while I'm asleep and at 4:00 in the morning my settings get switched other than how I set them. I also have a watch that is supposed to keep my phone turned on so that my continuous glucose monitor can save my life and the extended lock will refuse to stay turned on and shuts my stuff off! I've been in a coma repeatedly because they refuse to work on giving me a phone that actually works with my continuous glucose monitor!! They're supposedly legislation about it they're supposed to provide me with the phone that works with my life saving device. You call and talk to customer service and they treat you like crap, they hang up on you, they call you and harass you and the managers literally do not care! They do not care. I have T-Mobile home internet and for the first year it had the wrong SIM card in it!!! They told me that if I called back they were going to disconnect my service when it was their fault! Their fault they put the wrong SIM card in my gateway for a whole year and told me that it was working perfectly fine! Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining! I, fortunately have not been a victim of the rate hike problem other than they quoted me $35 for my new phone and it's actually $51. and my new phone is a piece of trash. Even Samsung has put out a press release that it's a piece of trash and no one will do anything about it but give me an exact replica of the piece of trash I already have. And T-Mobile has signed your life away to Google! You're only going to get updates for a couple years now when you buy a new phone. Be warned! There's a million secret ways that they're about to stick it to you with no kiss. I spend $143.50 of my $971 a month fixed income just so that I can have a secure internet and a telephone that works inside the building where I live and only T-Mobile provides that for some reason! I've tried every single other company and I promise you I would use any other company on the face of the earth if they would provide service inside my house other than T-Mobile it is literally the most disgusting part of my life.

  • I’ve been a T-Mobile customer since they bought out my previous carrier in 2000. They actually count my tenure as a customer from 1998. They’ve pretty much always been square with me but I’ve always dealt with them in “porcupine mode”. I learned long ago that many cellular reps have the ethics of used car salesmen and will say and do anything to get you to sign up. I’ve always done my research using online fora and gone in knowing exactly what I wanted them to do. Unfortunately, you can’t count on the sales people to treat you honestly, when their job depends on stuff like selling insurance and accessories.

  • Unsolved's avatar
    Network Novice

    All these things happened to me and more. I call every month and spend an hour plus hoping that one day I will get a customer service supervisor who care whether or not customers are satisfied. I pay my bills, am generally happy with the service, but when I switched from Verizon I was promised a savings (less than $170 per month) and I am paying about $220. The sales people quick talk and basically downplay the caveats with the offers and then the customer service people play dumb and say they can’t control what the sales people said. Well, sounds like a management problem to me! Where are the managers/supervisors and when are they going to help?

  • Yes!! 100%!! I can’t even pick where to start the story. I have been with them just over a month and have forked out almost $800 and our phones were free (I paid sales tax) I can’t log into our account and I’m the primary, can’t sign up for AAA and same with Netflix. I was with Xfinity for decades and my teen was telling me how wonderful and all the perks are I and it sounded wonderful but with 4+hours of customer service phone time and dressing to call them back, my bill is way more than Xfinity and I’m regretting the change so far. You feel like crying? Well I have cried and am also just sick about it.