Forum Discussion

BeachDad's avatar
Roaming Rookie
10 months ago

t-life app doesn't show signal strength

Since the old T-mobile home internet app is being replaced by t-life, I've been using both.

T-life appears to be a big marketing ploy with functionality hidden.


Where is the signal strength indicator for home internet?

  • I don’t need “special offers”. If I want cheap stuff, I know where to go look for it. I just want to check on the health of my gateway, and T-Life has made that so much harder. Why don’t they put the gateway management tools front and center, and bury the “special offers” in a tab somewhere? I think I know why.

  • Problems setting up the internet router and mesh and printer.  I’ve spent hours on the phone now trying to connect to the printer and trying to get the mesh set up and working.  Working with the techs on the phone they think the mesh device is faulty.  But now the T Life  app isn’t working the way it should either as I can’t check my internet status and other things.  This was a real point of frustration the other day as the technician kept asking me if I was seeing this and seeing that on the screen and I kept answering “No”.

    On this latest call, We finally wrote a ticket to send to the app people.  🤷‍♂️.  More frustration.  I will say the phone tech reps

    are really great to work with and willing to help but it shouldn’t be this hard.

  • Sadly, the ‘bars’ aren’t always a great indicator, even though the Advanced Cellular metrics are.

    I’d recommend getting the ‘HiNT Control’ app.  While it doesn’t show a single bar .. it shows 2.

    One for 5G and one for LTE, as well as all the physical metrics from the ‘Advanced Cellular Metrics’ tab.

    It also allows for WiFi settings in more detail - such as disable or disable 2.4GHz (helps).

  • I don’t need “special offers”. If I want cheap stuff, I know where to go look for it. I just want to check on the health of my gateway, and T-Life has made that so much harder. Why don’t they put the gateway management tools front and center, and bury the “special offers” in a tab somewhere? I think I know why.

  • BeachDad's avatar
    Roaming Rookie

    The whole TMHI system has major problems, mainly with coverage.

    I don't need to be buried in coupons just to see why my streaming stopped.

    Appreciate your reply.

  • nc1037's avatar
    Bandwidth Buddy

    I preferred the idea of separate apps.  Logically the benefits of “Tuesdays” or “Status” don’t go with having TMHI.  However, the TMI app has major flaws and they were able to “start from scratch” with that part of the T Life app.  (with mixed results, IMO.)

  • BeachDad's avatar
    Roaming Rookie

    This should be the primary purpose of the app, showing your connection status and any error codes.

    That's what the original app provides. I can't believe they are getting rid of it.

    Sick of the "Authenticating" screen.

  • nc1037's avatar
    Bandwidth Buddy

    I thought it was in T Life, but apparently it is not. 

    I wonder if the Connection quality bars are a composite of the various “Advanced Cellular Metrics.”  I have “Very good” 4/5 bars.  My 5G metrics are “Good”, “poor”, and “Excellent.” 

    • formercanuck's avatar
      Fiber Fanatic


      Old, but better 

      It is an aggregate.   When i had poor 4G.LTE (TMobile shuts down B2 lte at midnight daily), my device showed 2 bars vs 4.  When inlost n41 and hit n71, bars would be 4 or 5.