Forum Discussion
Modem Choice
When is Tmobile going to offer either Arcadyan TMO G4SA or Sercomm TMO G4SE to customers who need an external antenna to access their nearest Tower. I am located about 2 miles from the nearest Tower but have some Tall trees line of sight to tower. When the wind blows the foliage right, I get 150 to 250 mbps downloads. I get frequently disconnected and have to reconnect home automation and entertainment devices. I am willing to buy a Waveform antenna if Tmobile will provide a compatable modem.
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
if any info is going to mention this it’ll be in the area dedicated to home net devices
- 70StangTransmission Trainee
Rickssmith wrote:
When is Tmobile going to offer either Arcadyan TMO G4SA or Sercomm TMO G4SE to customers who need an external antenna to access their nearest Tower. I am located about 2 miles from the nearest Tower but have some Tall trees line of sight to tower. When the wind blows the foliage right, I get 150 to 250 mbps downloads. I get frequently disconnected and have to reconnect home automation and entertainment devices. I am willing to buy a Waveform antenna if Tmobile will provide a compatable modem.
Just asked about the new modem with the antenna ports on twitter and this is the response I got. I don’t think they even know
“Great question. I don't see them currently, but not to worry as our range of 5G Gateways share identical key features and provide a consistent user experience.”
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