Forum Discussion
laptop sees other wifi but not my gateway
I have just installed my gateway. I have 4 devices hooked up to it and they all work fine.
My toshiba satellite laptop does not see the gateway wifi SSID. HOWEVER, the laptop see all other wifi SSID that are within reach.
I’ve turned of Firewall, checked my Realtek to see if its working and has latest updates and all is good there.
The laptop will connect to the internet when I CAT5 it to the gateway. There are only 5 devices on the gateway so it’s not overloaded.
I loaded the wifi network manually and IT STILL does not see it in available networks. ???
- iTinkeralotBandwidth Buff
Confirm the Toshiba Satellite model and then look up the specifications for the wireless adapter. The more common issue with wireless is authentication. The authentication type is important. The gateway probably defaults to WPA2/WPA3 authentication type on the radios. You might need to allow WPA/WPA2 instead to allow the laptop network adapter to be able to authenticate. I would think it would be able to see the wireless signal but it might also depend upon the age/vintage of the wireless adapter and network drivers for the adapter. If the adapter is pre 802.11ac it might have a bit of challenge connecting. You might have to add an additional 2.4 GHz SSID with WPA/WPA2 if it cannot join the 5GHz bands.
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