Forum Discussion
Just got TMobile Internet and can't connect to Streaming Services
Internet is lightning fast but I can’t connect to Netflix or Amazon Prime on any of our TV’s. Can’t even log into on my computer. Tech support is useless. Is there a simple fix or do I need to go back to Spectrum wifi?
I have great news - it turns out that our gateway is on our business account rather than a home account, so there was something on the router that blocked streaming services. They clicked a switch or did something at T-Mobile and everything works now, on our laptops and our three different TV’s. I know we all like to bag on customer service and tech support - but I’m giving a HUGE KUDOS to the T-Mobile folks. They figured it out and called me back to let me know it was fixed - and they stayed with me while I tested everything out. I’m super impressed with their customer support. Very rare these days.
- noelp856Network Novice
Bellabug wrote:
After googling for hours, I found the solution. For my apple computer, opened Finder, clicked simultaneously on “Shift, Command, G”. Typed in ~/Library/Caches and hit Enter. List of these backup files popped up and deleted everything. Working like a charm now. Interestingly, a few of my friends informed me, I should be doing this frequently as it decreases the risk of getting bugs. Even more interestingly, neither T-Mobile, nor Amazon knew to tell me this. Not sure how to access these files on PC’s but I’m sure a PC geek would easily be able to give instructions. Thanks for following up!
So this is why my Mac laptop won’t connect to my Tmobile internet then? I’ve tried everything to fix it and end up having to use my phone’s hotspot every time.
- HablaSpeechNewbie Caller
Thank you so much for posting the solution. Same thing happened to us and a quick call to the business help desk solved this for us!
- markenNewbie Caller
worked! thank you...I had given up on googling. so many have this issue on macs
- BellabugNewbie Caller
After googling for hours, I found the solution. For my apple computer, opened Finder, clicked simultaneously on “Shift, Command, G”. Typed in ~/Library/Caches and hit Enter. List of these backup files popped up and deleted everything. Working like a charm now. Interestingly, a few of my friends informed me, I should be doing this frequently as it decreases the risk of getting bugs. Even more interestingly, neither T-Mobile, nor Amazon knew to tell me this. Not sure how to access these files on PC’s but I’m sure a PC geek would easily be able to give instructions. Thanks for following up!
- markenNewbie Caller
Bellabug wrote:
When logging into Amazon Prime Video, I get a message that states “Your device is connected to the Internet, using a VPN or proxy service. Please disable it and try again.” Neither T-Mobile, nor Amazon can figure out what the problem is. Does anybody else have this issue?
Ive been researching last 3days w/o luck….tried everything….definitely started when I switched to tmobile from is the tmoblile solution for many people
- BellabugNewbie Caller
When logging into Amazon Prime Video, I get a message that states “Your device is connected to the Internet, using a VPN or proxy service. Please disable it and try again.” Neither T-Mobile, nor Amazon can figure out what the problem is. Does anybody else have this issue?
- peterellNewbie Caller
Gooner65 wrote:
Internet is lightning fast but I can’t connect to Netflix or Amazon Prime on any of our TV’s. Can’t even log into on my computer. Tech support is useless. Is there a simple fix or do I need to go back to Spectrum wifi?
I am now going through a router which provides a local IP address. That was the issue that caused me problems. Some streaming services require a location IP address.
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