Forum Discussion
T-Mobile 5G Connection Issues causing missed Texts, Calls, and Voicemail - NO DATA!
I just don’t understand the disconnect or differences in the 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G wireless generations and why 5G seems to be so different. I never had to second guess what my status bar is indicating.
I have had “5G” connection issues on Apple, Samsung, and now Google devices.
Random errors like “emergency calls only” or no signal whatsoever. Or full 5G UC access - yet I can dial my phone and watch it not ring or indicate a missed call. I can even send a text message or leave a voicemail and neither ever arrive. Thought this issue was limited to Samsung and Apple.
Got a Pixel - same issue - so I think it’s the Tech itself and/or the tower but not the devices.
Had 5G + on my Pixel 6 - placed a call while out and it rang but left voicemail - nothing. Realized the voicemail didn’t pop up - tried again - nothing. Then I got a “missed” call. Yet no ring. When asked, the person said it rang but it was a long delay, and it didn’t seem like a regular ring. Not sure why this is but when 5G is enabled, at some point your device “disconnects” from the network and you have no idea you have missed any contact attempts.
Turn 5G off? Walla! Issues are gone. Smh
Did those two voicemails ever pop up? Nope! Still waiting. Imagine if someone called me during this time, left their dying will on my voicemail and I would not have any clue they called me, let alone that they left a message. Meanwhile my phone shows connected and full 5G access.
T-Mobile engineers need to speak on this, and they need to stop this 5G push if it isn’t even reliable. NEVER had to ponder if my device is connected or not with LTE. NEVER.
I guess I will try 5G when 6G comes out ……….
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
what phone do you have? do you have any other TMO phones around you? and if so are they seeing the same thing or just your phone? was your phone purchased from TMO or brought in as a BYOD? does your signal improve once you leave the area by say 5+ miles?
- AwistoneNewbie Caller
This has made me so mad. It says I have incredible data speed, yet I can't even ******* scroll tiktok with 5 bars on 5g, 4g, 3g, or 2g. All I want to do is have something to do on the bus, but this data just won't work. It's enraging, considering I also have ADHD.
- magenta10613832Transmission Trainee
csengineer wrote:
formercanuck wrote:
I can't speak for your area and devices, but I have a Samsung S21 and don't have issues in my area on 4G.LTE or 5g. I have disabled 5g n71 (SA/NSA) as it typically has performance issues in urban areas. 4G LTE will typically give me 150-400Mbps, and 5G UC will give 500-1400Mbps. As far as Apple goes, i can't speak much for it, but have heard of some issues. If you disable n71 (easy on Samsung), you'll at least get LTE 600 in weak areas.
What are these mystical speeds of which you speak? Going through my entire speedtest history on my S21, highest I’ve ever seen on mobile is 232 Mbps and that was on 5G (my home wifi is routinely 450+). And that test was made somewhere in downtown Austin, which tends to get early roll out of every new Cellular technology.
Even that speed though doesn’t bother me, I have no heavy demands on data, mostly just streaming Spotify and using Google maps driving around. What is getting me is when I have 5G signal but no data AT ALL. I’d wouldn’t notice if it was over 10 Mbps, really I wouldn’t 99% of the time, but ZERO is unacceptable when it says I should have data (and the S21 can’t figure this situation out).
I will look up disabling n71, see if maybe that helps.
I get speeds between 150mbps and 700mbps in the Baltimore/Washington area with T-mobile 5g. At home, in Hanover Maryland (Anne Arundel County), I get faster speeds on my S21 Ultra and iPhone 13 ProMax than I get on my T-Mobile Home Internet device. 500mbps vs 200-350 mbps. But the home internet was fast enough that we gave up 600-850 mbps Verizon FIOS ($100/month vs $40 per month). I have to check to see which bands the phone connect to. As for the Nokia Gateway, it uses B66 for primary signal and n41 for secondary signal.
- formercanuckFiber Fanatic
I've recently seen my device cycle (No Service/4G LTE/5g/5g UC) a few times, which is kind of odd. I've disabled 5g n71 NSA as it offers no benefit where I am, and actually slows down performance currently. As far as TMobile working on towers in your area… you will always get that response, sadly. I'm using the app.
- CocolosoQueenEmNewbie Caller
formercanuck wrote:
Somewhat. Not all sites are built the same, have the same bands/tech (3g/4g/5g) or connectivity. 4g/5g NSA has some mixed bags. n71 in urban areas should only be used in SA mode, as NSA n71 in my experience has often given worse performance than LTE alone
Below: b41 2ca 20MHz LTE, b2/b66/b71 LTE, and 5g n71 NSA + b2/b66 LTE.
These were all from the same location.
Note: n41 alone (2CA) typically gives 180-230Mbps. b2 LTE alone gives 150Mbps, B66 LTE alone gives 200Mbps, B71 alone give close to 70 Mbps. n71 alone is good for 150Mbps, but typically is between 80 and 120.
What app u using for getting ur speeds? And this is primarily on ur cellphone yes? FYI I'm currently having a problem with my 5g uc it keeps disconnect n reconnecting continuously and started yesterday right after my phone did a system update. I was told they were working on towers in my area so the phn may be bouncing off a tower that isn't stable
- formercanuckFiber Fanatic
Somewhat. Not all sites are built the same, have the same bands/tech (3g/4g/5g) or connectivity. 4g/5g NSA has some mixed bags. n71 in urban areas should only be used in SA mode, as NSA n71 in my experience has often given worse performance than LTE alone
Below: b41 2ca 20MHz LTE, b2/b66/b71 LTE, and 5g n71 NSA + b2/b66 LTE.
These were all from the same location.
Note: n41 alone (2CA) typically gives 180-230Mbps. b2 LTE alone gives 150Mbps, B66 LTE alone gives 200Mbps, B71 alone give close to 70 Mbps. n71 alone is good for 150Mbps, but typically is between 80 and 120.
- CocolosoQueenEmNewbie Caller
After reading all responses..
Having issues with 4g, 4lte, 5g, 5uc with numerous devices & living in NYC & both Samsung & Verizon.. it's not the company or the phones .. it's mostly the towers and them needing upkeep
- formercanuckFiber Fanatic
csengineer wrote:
formercanuck wrote:
I can't speak for your area and devices, but I have a Samsung S21 and don't have issues in my area on 4G.LTE or 5g. I have disabled 5g n71 (SA/NSA) as it typically has performance issues in urban areas. 4G LTE will typically give me 150-400Mbps, and 5G UC will give 500-1400Mbps. As far as Apple goes, i can't speak much for it, but have heard of some issues. If you disable n71 (easy on Samsung), you'll at least get LTE 600 in weak areas.
What are these mystical speeds of which you speak? Going through my entire speedtest history on my S21, highest I’ve ever seen on mobile is 232 Mbps and that was on 5G (my home wifi is routinely 450+). And that test was made somewhere in downtown Austin, which tends to get early roll out of every new Cellular technology.
Even that speed though doesn’t bother me, I have no heavy demands on data, mostly just streaming Spotify and using Google maps driving around. What is getting me is when I have 5G signal but no data AT ALL. I’d wouldn’t notice if it was over 10 Mbps, really I wouldn’t 99% of the time, but ZERO is unacceptable when it says I should have data (and the S21 can’t figure this situation out).
I will look up disabling n71, see if maybe that helps.
I'm just north of LA, and speeds vary quite a bit, as TMobile has about 1 in 4 sites updated, which ends up with decent LTE and weak 5g n71. service is only as good as its weakest link. This often makes 5g worse than LTE alone.
Leaving n41 nsa/sa enabled gives great speed in many areas. Neighboring Ventura County has 40MHz of n41, while LA county has 100MHz.
This was N41 (100Mhz) 5G NSA + B66 (20x20) LTE + B2 (15x15) LTE
- TurnedNewbie Caller
I have a similar problem. I switch to 4G to try to move data but get ZERO transfer even with 5 bars of service. The service is abysmal.
- csengineerRoaming Rookie
formercanuck wrote:
I can't speak for your area and devices, but I have a Samsung S21 and don't have issues in my area on 4G.LTE or 5g. I have disabled 5g n71 (SA/NSA) as it typically has performance issues in urban areas. 4G LTE will typically give me 150-400Mbps, and 5G UC will give 500-1400Mbps. As far as Apple goes, i can't speak much for it, but have heard of some issues. If you disable n71 (easy on Samsung), you'll at least get LTE 600 in weak areas.
What are these mystical speeds of which you speak? Going through my entire speedtest history on my S21, highest I’ve ever seen on mobile is 232 Mbps and that was on 5G (my home wifi is routinely 450+). And that test was made somewhere in downtown Austin, which tends to get early roll out of every new Cellular technology.
Even that speed though doesn’t bother me, I have no heavy demands on data, mostly just streaming Spotify and using Google maps driving around. What is getting me is when I have 5G signal but no data AT ALL. I’d wouldn’t notice if it was over 10 Mbps, really I wouldn’t 99% of the time, but ZERO is unacceptable when it says I should have data (and the S21 can’t figure this situation out).
I will look up disabling n71, see if maybe that helps.
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