Forum Discussion

Armdunu's avatar
Newbie Caller
7 months ago

Service in 55116

Live in the highland area of St Paul.  2 days ago I lost cell service while at or around my home.  Just one bar or SOS. Can’t make or receive calls.  I drive to the village or over to Mac Groveland and have five bars 5G.  Anyone else having this problem?

  • FGK's avatar
    Network Novice

    I work from home too. I rely on my mobile coverage (AT&T) to hold my communications, so this is a serious issue. Additionally, having to pay for no service is fraudulent on their part.

    I am checking competitive services in the area. I believe our options are Xfinity and Quantum Fiber. Does anyone have any recommendations or feedback? I used to be a Century Link customer and the service was flaky too. I wish AT&T had home internet in this area.

  • Knork's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    Yeah, I had to waste about 30 minutes with a call center person who wanted me to reset my phone and reboot the Internet tower when in actuality it wasn't my equipment that failed. It seems that the tower people aren't communicating with the agents who field calls on issues and that's dumb. 

    Also, no communication from T Mobile to the effected area? When my power goes out, the power company texts and emails with what's going on and what the fix is. 

    This isn't about me being annoyed I can't check Facebook either. I work from home so I was dead in the water. I had to go into the office which involves ramp fees and trying to find a hotel office last minute. I also couldn't make my daily check in calls to my senior mother. 

    Tmob needs to do better. 

  • FGK's avatar
    Network Novice

    I have had unstable home internet for weeks, but it all went away Sunday evening. I have called several times and customer service mentioned that a tower was down. it seems no update is available and no estimated time to resolve the issue. The last call ended with a recommendation to change the modem, but the local T-Mobile store clerk told me that it is indeed a tower issue so changing the hardware won’t resolve it.

    I am extremely disappointed at the service and lack of transparency. Even more, at the ineptitude to provide a responsive technical repair in a tower issue that has been active for days.

  • Knork's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    They seem  really evasive on the issue. And definitely never sent notification that everything was down. I think that's poor customer service. 

  • JVO's avatar
    Network Novice

    Just called and rep now stated only 1 tower is down in Highland area but other 4 are working-still slow internet this am-we’ll see if rep connecting me to a new tower will help. 

    Last week rep told me 3 were half up and 2 were totally down.

  • Knork's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    I just called and now they are saying all 4 towers near us are "in red" which apparently means they are misbehaving. No ETA for this being fixed. 

  • I am also in Highland (near the elementary school) and am having the exact same issue. Also started late Monday afternoon when I first arrived home. Thanks to Knork for the information on wires being cut.

  • Knork's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    I'm also in Highland and my phone (calling and Internet) and T-Mobile Home Internet have been down since 3:30 Monday (7-15). I was told when I could finally make a call that "someone cut the wires to your tower." There is no ETA for a fix.