Forum Discussion
No Network.. It says SOS only
I have done all the normal troubleshooting protocols to reset the network, and still nothing. I am only able to use my phone on my Wifi which is with Spectrum. All of the five phones on my account is experiencing this issue. Please advise.
- CliveyNewbie Caller
Anyone resolved or found a way to get cellular service when in a poor reception zone - hearing they will be putting up new towers soon in top of Topanga area but no specifics or timelines given - thoughts???
- formercanuckSpectrum Specialist
Allowing wrote:
It has been a week with little or no service, and they don’t refund or give you credits
You typically have to escalate to tier 2 tech support. They do give credits.
- syaoranTransmission Titan
Is there a possibility that there is tower maintenance going on where you are? If WiFi Calling works. It’s not your SIM. Have you tried something like CellMapper to make sure your device is seeing towers around to to connect to?
- AllowingNetwork Novice
It has been a week with little or no service, and they don’t refund or give you credits
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
still something Apple needs to look into..if you pop up either ATT or V you’ll see the same exact reports of SOS issues.
one carrier with issues is one thing..all 3 bigs having Apple devices on all 3 of their networks running into SOS issues? points right back at the OEM.
have you by chance hit up the Apple forums for Apple themselves to see whats being said over there? willing to bet you’ll see more than TMO phones being mentioned with this over there.
one of the many i found over at V (all the threads on this start roughly 5-6 months ago). Vs site mods usually wont yeet a thread but they’ll kick them down the chain a bit so you dont see a flood of issues over and over again… (theyve done this for years over there)...but..if you go into devices then go into Apple and once in there do a search for SOS and then filter it to the most recent you’ll be hammered with a ton of them lol.
- RachelRae27Network Novice
Is anyone still having issues with this? My phone has been switching to SOS randomly since September 2023. I have gone to the T-Mobile store for help and did all the trouble shooting that they can do there. They advised me to call tech support if the issue still continues. A day went by and my phone still wasn't fixed so I called Tech Support, they tried to help trouble shoot with no resolution. So now I go back to the T-Mobile store and let them know the steps I just took to fix the issue with no resolution; so T-Mobile refers me to Geek squad because my phone might need to be repaired internally. Geek Squad was no help as they wanted to keep my phone for 5 days while they “worked on it”. I can not go without a phone nor do I have a back up device to use. Geek Squad referred me to the Apple Store. I drive an hour away to the nearest Apple store only to be told that my phone passed all the diagnostic testing and my phone was working properly. They did advise me that there is this ongoing issues with Apple phones losing network connection and switching to SOS but it’s only affecting a small percentage of T-Mobile customers and offered to swap out my phone for a new one but store associate said it wouldn't fix the problem. Apple advised me to go back to T-Mobile since it is a Network Issue. So now I’ve done a full circle in a matter of 5 months and still nothing is resolved. I’m basically paying for a Network that I cant even use.
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
hippieowl wrote:
Has anyone gotten this issue resolved?? This just happened to my mom a couple days ago her iPhone with T-Mobile which is in my name went into SOS mode I called T-Mobile and they basically said F-off. Not their problem nothing they can do. And than sent me a link about “ what we talked about today “ and the link was about autopay 😂 what a joke. I told them before I hung I’ll sue them if anything Happens to my mom because she’s very elderly and very sick and recently had a heart attack and needs a working phone to call for help. And if anything happens I will sue the f*** out of T-Mobile and than I hung up.
color me curious..what exactly did they say to end up basically saying “F-Off” per you?
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
you wont get it out of Apple but looking at other carriers forums you’ll see the SOS problem hammering them as if its not carrier specific then the issue points right back at the OEM..
Verizons forum alone im back 5+ months now and still looking at quite a bit of threads related to SOS and Apple.
- james1234567890Network Novice
same here, in SOS for the last 3 weeks. millions of call to T-Mobile and trip to Apple, no resolution. :-(
- hippieowlNetwork Novice
Has anyone gotten this issue resolved?? This just happened to my mom a couple days ago her iPhone with T-Mobile which is in my name went into SOS mode I called T-Mobile and they basically said F-off. Not their problem nothing they can do. And than sent me a link about “ what we talked about today “ and the link was about autopay 😂 what a joke. I told them before I hung I’ll sue them if anything Happens to my mom because she’s very elderly and very sick and recently had a heart attack and needs a working phone to call for help. And if anything happens I will sue the f*** out of T-Mobile and than I hung up.
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