Forum Discussion
Good signal/bars but no network connection many times daily
Ok here's what is going on... I have pretty good signal almost full 5g bars most of the time down to where it drops to 4g lte at full bars. From time to time every couple hours I lose connection to the network where I can't text no apps work etc but usually I can still make calls just fine while this is happening. It only lasts 1-2 minutes sometimes or it may be out 15-20 then all of the sudden it's back to normal like nothing ever happened. It may go right back out again in 2 minutes or it may not happen for hours. Also it only happens on my new galaxy a32 not on our old galaxy j7 or prime whatever it was or on the older LG phone both of which are still being used on this account and same house at same time but they have no issues with connection ever. They aren't 5g either so I figure 5g has something to do with it. It just really gets old when you can't finish a conversation or get directions because internet/network connection just stopped. What can I do? All my connection settings are set how tmobile and other people have said they should be. I don't have Wi-Fi so I'm set to always use mobile data. What now? Or will I just have to suffer through. It's prob just some tmobile network problem that's with the new 5g. I guess that's what I get buying a new phone. Any ideas?
- CrapserviceNetwork Novice
T mobile stinks . Their service stinks .their customer service stinks and their coverage stinks. Looking for an alternative now after spending way too much time trying to even talk to someone with out the signal being dropped five times this morning.Having to finally find a human being then giving them the authorization information and verification information then they would lose the call or the texts. Over and over and over. I have four bars and no internet. Do not try to access them not being in a direct service area … I have tried and tried to work with them on the same data problems having four lines with iPads and iPhones. Over and over and over . I have tried to be a good customer and complete my due diligence …. But I’m done. Good luck …
- Ipso_no_factoRoaming Rookie
4 years after the original post, I'll go ahead and add that me and my mother have the same phones A32's, are on the same account and live next door to each other. Her phone is constantly going into no signal mode. The tiny bars icon that you need a magnifying glass to see and then an hour to find out what it means, has an X on it and no bars. She has a wifi connection from her ISP and therfore can surf the web and of course thinks everything must be fine. However she never gets txt messages or phone calls because she has no mobile data coming in. Have tried everything suggested here. The only thing that helps is a reboot. Then all the important txt messages come pouring in. You shouldn't have to reboot your phone every 30 mins in order to do the one thing a phone is supposed to do with absolutely everything else secondary. Aggravating to say the least.
- RicklesRoaming Rookie
The interesting thing is my service with VoWiFi was also terrible, and now I’m able to make calls over WiFi too. Not sure what this actually does, but seems to be working well. 170 Mbps down, 31.9 Mbps up at home. Stable enough to use. Still hitting crazy high up and down a couple of blocks away too.
Still, by now you think the network would be dynamic enough to always provide the best experience on the best bands based on connection.
- formercanuckFiber Fanatic
It isn’t always ideal … it’ll give you service that can be more stable in weak areas, but throughput isn’t typically as good. It may keep your device from hunting, eating battery, or going from usable to NoService where its really weak.
- RicklesRoaming Rookie
@formercanuck THIS was a life saver for me. I can use the phone at home now… Thanks for posting the n71 trick.
- TaxiNewbie Caller
5G isn’t really fully developed as to 4G. I thought my residence location was a problem for 5G. However,
even in the city center and anywhere, I experience with my phone the same problems. I would rather go back to 4G light that has been fully developed. That is the reason why I can’t sign up with the 5G internet yet. The sad part is that they talk about 10G - for what?
- CookieJTransmission Trainee
I have the same issue with my android, my husband does with his phone and all the tv's buffer constantly and lose connection on and off. I pay for a service that I am not receiving and it is getting very frustrating to constantly reboor, restart, reset. It dusrupts every piece of equipment I own. I can't tell you when the last time I saw a TV show without interruption. Oh yes I can, when I had AT & T! T-Mobile needs to get their act together if they want to stay in the home internet, fastest provider category provider. My advice to anyone thinking to switch DON'T!!!
- TaxiNewbie Caller
Hey guys! Good news! Tmobile upgrade my plan to Go5! Ain't that very facinating!
I wake up 5am daily, i listen to the Holy Mass phone s22 android. Every early morning, there is very bad signal in my place, there is nothing else it shows blinking LTE instead of 5G. Although I still love Tmobile.
- formercanuckFiber Fanatic
My site was pretty much the last site in my area to receive 5g. Similarly, LAX didn't get 5g until last summer, while many other locations had 5g UC long before.
Many urban areas - especially some buildings take a long time. Many large area macros get upgraded.first.
- TaxiNewbie Caller
tmo_mike_c wrote:
I have a couple ideas about this. If you’re in a lower level room or basement, you can have some issues with the connection cutting in and out due to line of site. I’d head to a higher level of the house/building if possible. Restarting the phone on a daily basis can help make sure you maintain a solid connection. If this is happening in the same area and even around the same time of day, this could be something our engineering team can look into after our Tech Care team files a Service Complaint for you.
Im located @ 1st floor in the middle of city downtown.... one signal, dropped 90% of my calls else walk around my condo to get signal. Can not search from internet. I was Magenta single line & can not use hotspot. I changed plan because it is a waste paying the price.. Problem in RESTART the phone is that all my office accnts, VPN, stock trade logins, email outlook with my office and office network authenticators must be re-configurated, re-enter logins etc.
Tmobile has me in the list to subscribe internet for long time now until they will have 5G internet in my area.... very ironic... i live in the middle if a city! Very frustrating! Although I love Tmobile... to use my phone, i have to be out of my condo 90% of my daily life!
Yes, we are to sacrifice...
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