Forum Discussion
I got this free phone from a vendor on the street and he said I would have free service for life with the ACP program he used my ID and said I qualified I gave him $20 activation fee and my phone worked for 4 days now I don't have any service. Who do I contact about this issue? I'm furious he stole my money
Have you tried the police?
- gramps28Router Royalty
Assurance wireless is an MNVO that uses Tmobile towers and that's about it. Tmobile doesn't have anything to do with their plans.
Now Assurant insurance is who Tmobile uses for their protection provider if customers opt for it.
- hellcrafted999Newbie Caller
Assurance wireless is connected to T-Mobile it is a deactivated service. They are absolutely the worst on the phone and not so great on the internet speaking through a automated and they know a customer representative gets on and he doesn't answer anything, these people have lied to me several times about a government approved program. Many times they told me my phone was in the mail obviously it's definitely not because it would been here they give me a tracking number that doesn't work I have a phone number I have a account with them I asked you update my email where they're sending the link to track on their website I have no email sign this is gotten on hand I will contact everyone I need to so everyone this is a big SCAM. So couldn't get any information out of the great service at assurance wireless. So I reach out to T-Mobile because they're all over their website and all of our Google with them and they tell me this is a deactivated program so I asked why are they linked so much to them on assurance website. I get transferred to someone else I ask the same thing what links you to assurance wireless. I get disconnected. How can such a faulty program be accepted into a government-funded program . Every single time I talk to them they have lied to me. Today I called to update my email I asked four times to do so and he said assurance wireless has you no assurance wireless is scamming everyone from all the people I see common review and ask questions it is far from being handled I will be reaching out to inspector general BBB and everyone who can do anything about this . I have proof of all this. And if it's a scam they're most likely selling our information or using it I recommend do not go with assurance wireless there are many other companies out there even though the website referred them as one of the top three I will make sure that's changed. There's no business ethic or truth to what they say.TRASh FRAUD SCAM Don't use.
Also looking for someone else to look into this because I think my information is at Jeopardy now and T-Mobile's name is all over their website and Google they obviously are linked in one way or another. Proof is in the pudding
- blackheather198Network Novice
And it is not foolish that is a legit procedure but next time you might ask more information about the particular company and then do a little research and even if it's taking 10 or 15 minutes to go somewhere and sit and do the research and to get their name and a contact number. Because most of these field agents are legit they aren't cheating people but I have seen plenty of them gouge for prices like several months ago almost a year ago insurance wireless was giving people a new r e v l 5G 5 plus phone worth $150 and I think they were charging less than $30 because I know one field agent who was charging only $10 and he went up to $30 some of them are charging $80. And they also had a Moto G pure and these were probably less because they are just not quite as good as the revv l5g5 plus but they are nice phones. And I think 30 or $40 is a good price but some people can't quite afford that but I don't know if they do that anymore. Assurance Wireless now allows you to bring your own phone or you can buy from a website shop q1 at
- blackheather198Network Novice
If your benefit got transferred the person could possibly have done that but it may have been if you applied even a long time ago some companies are very slow and if you get tired of waiting on them a few weeks later you may sign up with someone else and they may finally get to the application and transfer your benefit away. Or something may have disqualified you or something. Usually the vendors don't do that kind of stuff but they probably told you T-Mobile because a lot of these companies on mvno or mobile version specialize in the lifeline in ACP benefit use t-mobile. Some like e n t o u c h Wireless or Xfinity mobile or the TracFone companies including SafeLink and Walmart Family Mobile will use. And if you like Cricket Wireless and air Talk wireless and red pocket mobile will use AT&T data. Red pocket mobile uses three of the main four networks. But most of them will use t-mobile. The best thing to do is try to find what company the phone actually is with and you could possibly do this there may be clues or length and you could do this I know how you can do it you contact the USAC Universal service administrative company. You can find their email address for the lifeline department and their email address for the ACP Department if you look it up on Google search and you can find a phone number. You can give them your information your last four digits and your birth date and your real first and last name are the only information you should give anyone. These guys probably weren't cheating you sometimes they do charge $20 copay for a phone it depends on what kind it is but there are some shady people and there are some people who are not and a lot of times there are policies for replacement on the phone especially if you didn't do anything wrong. And the most time when people get done wrong it's through the foreigners on Facebook pages and groups they are from Africa usually. Sometimes there are promotions on certain phones. But it may have been Assurance Wireless or someone else if you could tell me what model of phone it was and around what day I might know but that narrows it down. Like I said the USAC we'll have to do my dress is one for the lifeline department and one you program department or ACP Department. Send one email branch of the USAC and send one email to the ACP Department of the USAC and you should ask them what companies if they can tell you the last couple or three companies which have used your benefits and you will have to give them your real first and last name and your last four digits of your Social and your birth date and if you have a problem or a reason to believe that a fuel agent has been transferring your benefit without your knowledge you can put some kind of lock on your transfers and you can also contact a provider you want to sign up with and tell them that you do not want to transfer you want a notification of transfer and you might be able to do something like this to prevent it and to find out what field agent did your sign up once you find out what company that field agent signed you up with you can find out the date and time plus keep the IMEI number of your phone and the ICC ID number or SIM card number take pictures of those and email them back to yourself so you have those. And anyone else you know in that area and that date because the companies will issue people in those certain areas and you will be able to track down who it was. I would say on God and stink they probably didn't cheat you on purpose you know out of my gut instinct I know you don't want to hear that but it's probably true but it could be possible. Especially if you have had your benefits transfer something may have happened actually it may have been right around the time when people are supposed to do their renewals but I don't know. What you should do is try to find a home internet plan which is $10 to $20 per month without requiring you to use your ACP or Lifeline benefit. Comcast Xfinity Internet Essentials basic plan is only $10 a month out of pocket without using ACP or lifeline. The Spectrum assist plan maybe $20. The optimum and Advantage plan maybe $15. And the Cox Communications connect to compete plan maybe $10. AT&T access plan may be under $20 without using ACP or lifeline. This way you can use both your ACP and Lifeline benefits for phone plans if you need only one free phone plan combine both and sign up with SafeLink Wireless or Assurance Wireless or Tempo Telecom because they give 20 GB or more of high speed data free with unlimited talk text and unlimited slow data for ACP plus Lifeline plans. Which is rare 20 Gigabytes or more is good for ACP plus Lifeline plans for a mobile plan. And then you can also use ACP and Lifeline separately to get two free phone plans. If you use your ACP benefit by itself with red pocket mobile or tone Communications or c a t h e c t Communications or excess Telecom these companies may give you 15 to 20 GB of fast data with unlimited talk and text. They may or may not give a free or discounted phone but if you need a free phone if you use your ACP benefit by itself with SafeLink Wireless or Assurance Wireless or airtalk Wireless or cintex Wireless or new phone wireless or general mobile these companies may give you a free phone for ACP only plans with unlimited talk and text and unlimited slow data. SafeLink and Assurance give 10 gigabytes for ACP only plans although they give much more if you combine both benefits. Air Talk wireless and it's sister companies give a gigabytes for ACP only yet they give 15 for ACP plus lifeline. And general mobile gifts 7 GB for ACP only plans. And these companies may give a free phone for ACP only plans. You can then use your Lifeline benefit with Assurance Wireless or SafeLink Wireless or terracom Wireless or American assistance and if you use your benefit alone with these four companies they may give you a free phone for Lifeline only with a free limited phone plan which includes unlimited texting and 4.5 GB of data plus 352 unlimited minutes free each month. But first use your ACP benefit by itself with Kansas Wireless or Sarver Wireless or airtalk Wireless or Rogue mobile or stand-up Wireless also known as Global connection. These companies give the best tablets for the ACP program 10 to 20 dollars. But you may want to transfer your benefit to get a better data plan and you are allowed to transfer either Lifeline or ACP benefit every 31 days. You can also get a discounted refurbished computer sometimes as low as $49 or 99 or $125 from PCS refurbished. Or interconnection also known as connect all. Or three are technology. 3r technology. Or humanit. They require low-income or public assistance to qualify but you don't have to use ACP or Lifeline benefit. Chromebooks are Us sales refurbished Chromebooks $40 without requiring low income eligibility. If you sign up for Comcast Xfinity Internet Essentials basic plan for $10 a month you can also buy a new Dell Chromebook or an even better laptop New Dell laptop for $150 worth $300. Search the phrase Xfinity Internet Essentials low cost computer.
- syaoranTransmission Titan
Aletta wrote:
I thought he was legit,he have their phones I thought it was a promotion.and how is he able to activate the phone service unless he is legit. I know I was foolish but. How can he do that.
Just about anyone can activate a prepaid SIM online.
- Lunalette_iPhonNewbie Caller
My only advice I can give is call 611 on ur phone and see what happens..and..always ask for a business card.
- AlettaNetwork Novice
I thought he was legit,he have their phones I thought it was a promotion.and how is he able to activate the phone service unless he is legit. I know I was foolish but. How can he do that.
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
Aletta wrote:
I paid with cash I'm going there today to see if he's still there if not I just want my money back from T-Mobile or someone
why would TMO have to pay you for something you bought from some street vendor? did TMO tell you to do your business through this guy? a bit lost on why its on TMO to fix this and not the vendor you talked to or contact the ACP program itself? did you not leave there with paperwork? a receipt at least?
- ttocsConnection Cadet
You said you gave some random guy on the street your ID. I’d be more concerned with that, than the $20.00.
- AlettaNetwork Novice
No haven't tried the police but maybe I should
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