Forum Discussion
Dual eSIM on iPhone 14
Does anyone know, definitively, if one can have two TMobile lines on an iPhone 14? Today, I have an iPhone with a physical SIM and and eSIM. Both are TMobile lines — what Apple calls “cellular plans”.
I had to return an iPhone 14 because a TMobile store could not transfer both lines to that new iPhone.
The support site is (as always) confused and out of date. “Experts” I contacted online are anything but.
I’m surprised that TMobile hasn’t has enough time to consider this use case and provided details to customers and staff on if, how and when this can be done — or if it’s not possible.
Well, short answer - it does work. My current iPhone 14 Pro (purchased at Apple) is using two eSims
Long answer - it took two hours on phone with high level tech support. The key seems to be making sure Cellular Data is turned OFF on the phone.
That, and considerable patience and tenacity
Good luck!
- tcormNetwork Novice
For anyone reading this in the future, here’s what worked for me in less than 10 minutes.
I just asked chat for the QR code for the line I’m wanting to add, they sent it, had to activate it. They asked for the EID of the device, which I provided. I never mentioned setting up a second ESIM on the same device. Once they activated it, I turned off cellular data, scanned it, and was up and running in no time.
- DougNdenverNetwork Novice
Yes, it’s super easy.
I added a second line on my iPhone Mini 13 and called regular T-Mobile support.
They had me up and running in about 15 minutes, and it works great!
- MiteNetwork Novice
The information in this topic was really helpful in resolving the issue for me and my TForce on Twitter Tech. It took a few hours but we got there in the end. TELLO and Mint were unable to get it working so Thank you TForce and everyone here who contributed.
- oedihideoNewbie Caller
Thanks to this thread, I was able to get this to work.
I’m in the US. I got an iphone 14 pro from T-mobile. T-Force on Twitter was able to help me out. The key word to use was “dual sim dual standby” Keep escalating on the phone if you must, but I suggest using T-force on twitter if you can.
In 2 different stores 4-6 different reps told me i can’t have dual eSIM. I got the same answer on the phone by calling 611. They were all trying to convince me to make one of them a DIGITS line, or trying to tell me that I would have to keep deactivating one and activating the other. None of it made any sense to me, because the apple documentation clearly stated I could have two active eSims.
- yobyotRoaming Rookie
For the record, I did get this to work. I now have two TMobile business lines. One that was on a physical SIM, the other on an eSIM on an iPhone 14 Pro Max with only eSim.
It ain’t easy – and I relied on the fact that business users can reassign SIMs using the business portal. Nobody at TMobile would do this, so tread lightly.
To get it work, you basically need to be coming from physical SIMs. In my case, the first number was easy since it was already on a physical SIM. I simply reassigned it using the business portal.
Then, I assigned the second line (originally on iPhone 13 eSIM) to a physical SIM. Make sure to use a new TMobile SIM card. You cannot, for some reason, then move that second line’s physical SIM to the iPhone 14 eSIM.
Instead, you have to call “tech support” and have them force the move. Once you receive the “eSIM ready” on the iPhone 14 from the network, you must use the QR code (found elsewhere on the support site) to install it.
What can I say? TMobile used to have the worst network on the planet. Now, they arguably have the best. The trade-off has been “support”. Nobody, anywhere has any skill or can answer a simple yes or no question with believability and accuracy.
IOW, if you have to TMO lines and want to use a basic feature of every iPhone since at least iPhone 11 on your new iPhone 14, you are on your own with TMO basically telling you it cannot be done.
- Purduealum91Newbie Caller
I have an iPhone 14 Pro purchased at an Apple Retail Store. I am currently a VZW subscriber and am trying to take the advantage of Network Pass. Network Pass looks as if it installed correctly but I cannot get the Tmobile esim to work. VZW is set up as primary voice and data line. Any help is appreciated.Thanks is advance.
- VexedNetwork Novice
alexbgr wrote:
I’d like to confirm that it IS definitely possible to have dual eSIM phone numbers activated on a single device with T-Mobile. I currently have this with an iPhone 14 Pro Max. The ease of doing this may depend on whether these are new phone numbers, are ported over numbers from another provider and just what T-Mobile support staff you end up talking to. If the following is similar to your situation then this may work for you as well. Nobody at T-Mobile was ultimately able to help me do this after 7 hours of multiple elevations of telephone assistance with T-Mobile and Apple along with two trips to local T-Mobile stores.
I was porting over two numbers from two separate phones from another provider onto a single T-Mobile iPhone 14 Pro Max.. While both numbers ported over easily to T-Mobile service only one was able to be transferred onto the iPhone. When trying to activate the second eSIM, the second number stubbornly always came up with an error message stating that the number wasn’t eligible for porting to T-Mobile (even though it already was). It’s just the phone wouldn’t accept it.
To end what was a long painful story, since I still had my old phone which was on IOS 16 and had a physical SIM slot, I asked the T-Mobile store to activate a physical SIM card with that second number for use in the old phone. Once the old phone became activated with the second number that I wanted to transfer (a 10 minute process), I was able to put the old and new phones side-by-side to transfer and activate the second eSIM in the new phone without any problems. In theory, you should also be able to do this using a QR code but support seemed fixated on the path of direct activation.
Note that the T-Mobile staff was always patient and polite but just didn’t have the answers for what I assumed would be a very common request. The phone works great now with both numbers.
Hope this work around might be useful for some.
I was hoping someone tried this. I just moved a second line to an iPhone 14 using this method and it was seamless. I am going to try it with my girlfriends Galaxy S9. Take that sim put it in an iPhone running iOS 16 and hope it works. But it sounds like T-Mobile is stumped at adding a second different line to a phone where the EID is already associated with a line. If they fix that these number transfers should be much easier
- alexbgrNewbie Caller
I’d like to confirm that it IS definitely possible to have dual eSIM phone numbers activated on a single device with T-Mobile. I currently have this with an iPhone 14 Pro Max. The ease of doing this may depend on whether these are new phone numbers, are ported over numbers from another provider and just what T-Mobile support staff you end up talking to. If the following is similar to your situation then this may work for you as well. Nobody at T-Mobile was ultimately able to help me do this after 7 hours of multiple elevations of telephone assistance with T-Mobile and Apple along with two trips to local T-Mobile stores.
I was porting over two numbers from two separate phones from another provider onto a single T-Mobile iPhone 14 Pro Max.. While both numbers ported over easily to T-Mobile service only one was able to be transferred onto the iPhone. When trying to activate the second eSIM, the second number stubbornly always came up with an error message stating that the number wasn’t eligible for porting to T-Mobile (even though it already was). It’s just the phone wouldn’t accept it.
To end what was a long painful story, since I still had my old phone which was on IOS 16 and had a physical SIM slot, I asked the T-Mobile store to activate a physical SIM card with that second number for use in the old phone. Once the old phone became activated with the second number that I wanted to transfer (a 10 minute process), I was able to put the old and new phones side-by-side to transfer and activate the second eSIM in the new phone without any problems. In theory, you should also be able to do this using a QR code but support seemed fixated on the path of direct activation.
Note that the T-Mobile staff was always patient and polite but just didn’t have the answers for what I assumed would be a very common request. The phone works great now with both numbers.
Hope this work around might be useful for some.
- sundararaman66Newbie Caller
Apple website clearly states that two dual esim can be active at a time. I am not sure why t-mobile support staff not ware of this.
- Learn2repairNetwork Novice
Having just gone through this on my iPhone 14 Pro Max, I’d like to post MY EXPERIENCE.
I had my T-Mobile and my Tello (T-Mobile MVNO) lines on my iPhone 14 Pro Max. NEVER AGAIN!! It only worked for a couple of hours. Whenever I made a call from my Tello line it would take about a minute to connect and it would always drop the call.
If you’re wondering why I had Tello… for $10 a month and free international calling to the country I call every week, why not? It costs me on T-Mobile $15 for international calling plus the price of the line.
The major problem was the fact that when the iPhone connects to wifi and disconnects, both lines would go to SOS being displayed for the signal bars. That meant I had no service on either line!! Even after powering the iPhone off and on, resetting network settings…. NOTHING WORKED.
I have since switched to only 1 ESIM line on my iPhone and the line being a digits line.Hope this helps 🤙🏼
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