Forum Discussion
Anyone fed-up with horrible coverage from TMobile
This is a Description of our Complaint with T-Mobile and the BBB:
For the past almost 3 years we have had all of our family cell phone lines with T-Mobile. We switched over from Verizon about 3 years ago because we responded to a promotion offered by T-Mobile whereby offered much better coverage at much better prices. Turns out that their marketing in advertising campaign was misleading and inaccurate at best. From day one, the coverage and reception was below any basic level of acceptance causing phone calls in messages to drop or fail at a rate off three failed for one success. After a few months, I complained with T-Mobile, they profusely apologized and told us to be patient because they were in the process of rolling out their new 5G Network and also merging their Network with sprints, and they said that the coverage and service issues will greatly improve in a matter of weeks or a couple of months at the most. When this didn't happen, I called to request a transfer of service and they insisted that it was just a matter of time for their coverage and service to noticeably improve and they offer a nominal remporary discount to keep us from switching over. As expected, the coverage and service not only did not improve but got worse. After another 12 months have gone by and everyone in our household having being fed up with dropped calls failed messages in lack of connectivity, we have decided to switch over to another carrier. When I call T-Mobile to inquire about the process, they told me that we're free to switch over but they're going to charge us retractively rebates and fees that they have waived because we're not meeting the term of our contract. And my question to them what kind of compensation do we get for the 3 years of failing to provide the most basic service that we have been faithfully paying in full for almost 3 years. We'll know that these are tactics that these types of companies use to hold people hostage regardless of whether they are the ones at fault in causing you to leave. This should be unacceptable!
- oneofakindRoaming Rookie
I thought I was the only one getting ty service call and complain,they say they would start a file, next time they will take $25.00 off the bill
I told them no just fix the thing
Still service time to find a different provider in
- oneofakindRoaming Rookie
Now they edited out words. I think they are over stepping the boundaries
- Jaym405Newbie Caller
T-Mobile has horrible home internet wouldnt recommend so garbage
- BlitzdudeNetwork Novice
We have been using T-mobile internet since November 2023 and it has been wonderful. We live in a rural area so our options are limited but it has been much better than what we previously had with Verizon. Granted I can see the monster 5G T-Mobile tower directly across the valley from us but it's still probably right at 3 miles away. Very fast, never goes out and most importantly I've maybe had to reset the router 2 times in 15 months whereas that Verizon junk needed toi be reset several times per week.
- nomdeplume420Roaming Rookie
I have had five years of consistently awful service. It's out again. I had to spend 100 dollars on a mobile hotspot and 100 dollars on data for it, and my phone doesn't work because Im out of data. Which is impossible. It's only been 13 days, and only the phones are hooked up to wifi. I pay almost 300.00 a month to have no service for half the month. They assured me the hotspot would clear it up. Then they told me I needed to buy a 5G phone for 860.00. Then they told me I had to upgrade my plan. All lies designed to rip off customers. Customer service links you directly to a telemarketing sales reps, NOT technical support. These companies and all the employees who make money robbing the customer's are pure sleaze. They KNOW what they are doing, they KNOW their service is awful, they KNOW they are just robbing their customers day in and day out. I am looking for ANYTHING that gets me and my 5 lines AWAY from tmobile. My experience with this duplicitous crap company is nothing will ever get better because its been FIVE FRICKIN YEARS. I am here to warn everybody. Dont think its ever going to get better, because its not. Tmobile makes a FORTUNE misleading and fleecing people. They love it. They get paid for nothing.
- formercanuckFiber Fanatic
Their coverage maps that ‘customers’ (us) are allowed to see are nowhere near what the maps that the local stores have access to.
One map shows ‘5G ultra capacity’ at a specific address with a lot of this ultra capacity 5G extended range, while the other map effectively shows ‘No Service’ surrounded by the weakest signal they have on LTE 600
Coverage maps for T-Mobile have been overly hyped since 2016 when John Legere posting ‘4G LTE Verified’ maps. In which, in some areas they were off showing ‘verified’ coverage (hexagon) where service was many miles away (use of drone?) and where their own techs stated that there was ‘No Service’. It is very deceitful to label known non-service areas as service purely for the ‘customer’ facing maps, when technical support and the internal maps show it as … No Service.
- StewfoxNewbie Caller
We switched from ATT 3 or 4 months ago. Our cellular service is atrocious. They claim we are in a boosted 5G zone, whatever that means. I’m seriously considering eating the cost of the phones to switch back to ATT. We know it’s not just our location because our daughter lives in downtown Oakland and has the same problems. How can a major provider have such terrible phone service?
- Rand_TM5ucksRoaming Rookie
jayt83 wrote:
They have used the 'we are currently upgrading your towers' lie for 18 months now….18 months. They don't know what they are doing, I think this is obvious. When you no longer employ people that have knowledge on the job at hand, you have a show like we currently have. I have talked to easily 100 different people with them, MAYBE, and this is a big maybe, there were 2 people that actually knew what they were talking about that pertained to the telecom industry and networking. For instance, a few days ago I told them I will be leaving tmo for Verizon and she tried to over talk me with her script, saying that I would have the same experience with them because they use the same towers and equipment and they also use the same bands….are you kidding me? I had to hang up.
That is another lie cell companies use, “we use the same towers”. Yes they do use the tower structure, but each company has their own antenna, and equipment, unless they lease services from another carrier to handle their cell customers. It’s funny that all of the problems began happening after the sprint merger. Prior to that I had great service from TMO all throughout my area. Now I have poor service, if any. They have definitely shut down what they considered to be redundant antenna and equipment, but in doing so they essentially cut reliable service to many of their customers.
- Rand_TM5ucksRoaming Rookie
fireguy_6364 wrote:
they might have also adjusted the direction of the antenna. if they made some adjustment to cover more of a certain area that might also explain what youre seeing on your side. all you can really do is have them put in a network ticket for you. i recommend the Facebook/Twitter route over calling in or trying to use chat.
I have multiple network tickets in over the past couple of years. TMO has also told me there are other tickets, yet nothing changes. Well, let be corrected that, nothing improves, but my service does keep getting progressively worse.
- unhappy_user_20Newbie Caller
I have been a customer for many years and have been a happy customer. Two month ago the service got so bad. I now have dropped calls frequently and no cell reception at night. There are times that even if I have a 3 bars, it won’t send the text message. Supposed to have 5g coverage. Even have a new 5G phone. Looking for a new provider. Even have friends in Florida that are having problems. What is going on with the cell services.
- Rand_TM5ucksRoaming Rookie
Cmora22 wrote:
bblack4jc wrote:
I was a previously happy Sprint customer with no problems. I was not only forced to move over to T-mobile but I also had to put out $1300 for an iPhone 13 Pro just to be compatible with their 5G network. At first it wasn’t too bad, sometimes a little slower. But within the last week or two, I am down to 1 bar, a warning will pop up that I am not connected to the internet (my home internet is switched off on my phone), it takes forever to load an internet page if it loads at all and messages take a long time to load. What is going on? This is so frustrating!
BYW I live in the North East USA.
I have the same problem, switched to iPhone 12 and currently sitting in an Ultra 5G area with 1-2 bars of LTE no matter where I go in my house. How is this possible? I’d be happy with even 4 bars of LTE at this point. What a rip off.
I’m a month-to-month T-Mobile subscriber with three phones on my plan. My service has gotten progressively worse since January 2022 and every time I speak to a T-Mobile representative online they tell me their network is fine and there’s no problems in my area, but I speak to T-Mobile employees in a T-Mobile corporate store and they tell me they’re experiencing the same thing on their phones in the same area as where I am experiencing problems. Today was the topper. I went from five bars of 5G service in my home. to zero to one bar of service. The online help people always want to put it on my phones, but the last time they did that I had purchased two brand new iPhone 15’s shortly after and the problem did not get any better. Today I have been transferred to the tech-support people twice and both times after somebody answers I get hung up on and have to go through the whole chat process again. it’s a shame, because T-Mobile had the best service in my area at one time, and now it’s worse than any service I’ve ever had.
- Rand_TM5ucksRoaming Rookie
Greatride wrote:
This is a Description of our Complaint with T-Mobile and the BBB:
For the past almost 3 years we have had all of our family cell phone lines with T-Mobile. We switched over from Verizon about 3 years ago because we responded to a promotion offered by T-Mobile whereby offered much better coverage at much better prices. Turns out that their marketing in advertising campaign was misleading and inaccurate at best. From day one, the coverage and reception was below any basic level of acceptance causing phone calls in messages to drop or fail at a rate off three failed for one success. After a few months, I complained with T-Mobile, they profusely apologized and told us to be patient because they were in the process of rolling out their new 5G Network and also merging their Network with sprints, and they said that the coverage and service issues will greatly improve in a matter of weeks or a couple of months at the most. When this didn't happen, I called to request a transfer of service and they insisted that it was just a matter of time for their coverage and service to noticeably improve and they offer a nominal remporary discount to keep us from switching over. As expected, the coverage and service not only did not improve but got worse. After another 12 months have gone by and everyone in our household having being fed up with dropped calls failed messages in lack of connectivity, we have decided to switch over to another carrier. When I call T-Mobile to inquire about the process, they told me that we're free to switch over but they're going to charge us retractively rebates and fees that they have waived because we're not meeting the term of our contract. And my question to them what kind of compensation do we get for the 3 years of failing to provide the most basic service that we have been faithfully paying in full for almost 3 years. We'll know that these are tactics that these types of companies use to hold people hostage regardless of whether they are the ones at fault in causing you to leave. This should be unacceptable!I’m a month-to-month T-Mobile subscriber with three phones on my plan. My service has gotten progressively worse since January 2022 and every time I speak to a T-Mobile representative online they tell me their network is fine and there’s no problems in my area, but I speak to T-Mobile employees in a T-Mobile corporate store and they tell me they’re experiencing the same thing on their phones in the same area as where I am experiencing problems. Today was the topper. I went from five bars of 5G service in my home. to zero to one bar of service. The online help people always want to put it on my phones, but the last time they did that I had purchased two brand new iPhone 15’s shortly after and the problem did not get any better. Today I have been transferred to the tech-support people twice and both times after somebody answers I get hung up on and have to go through the whole chat process again. it’s a shame, because T-Mobile had the best service in my area at one time, and now it’s worse than any service I’ve ever had.
- Bemor_SternNewbie Caller
Yes. Do not recall hearing the word,”Guaranteed” when speaking to a T-Mobile agent either by phone or their local office not that one would expect such a thing. Pretty much refuse (anymore) to try to converse w/one of their outsourced correspondents as they employ some of the worst at the English speaking endeavor I have heard and feel like you are reading their cover sheet info w/them as they muddle through (and do not follow through w/their promises). Other than when T-Mobile suddenly closes my account (and service) w/out due notice and due to (their) admitted mistake, I typically call the local agents which are courteous and seem to try to help (in the unbroken English language) but they,too, are limited as to on the ground fixes.
As far as coverage, initially speaking to (the locals) we were going over the same coverage maps together showing fair to good coverage (fixed) and as now, 100% w/mobile (which is better than PC).
As reported; ‘ the FCC’s maps, which use carrier provided data’ indicates a no better deal w/the FCC involved so not sure if or where can get an unbiased account for true coverage. Point at large, still (and worse and worse) as time goes on my service to modem is sliding down the tube. Always reads 2 or 3 bars (occasional 4) however seems (not) to reflect real time coverage. PC slowing tremendously to freezing and more and more modem ‘no availability alerts’, etc., and of course streaming reflecting condition. As far as the ‘misinformation’ (everywhere) it will always be known as ‘lies’ (in it’s natural state) regardless of the exemplary example of 24/7 such tales we get from Washington D.C., (especially currently) and (any) business that desires to reflect such a lead (should) get the ‘universal stink eye’. 👿
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