Forum Discussion
Anyone else having problem activating galaxy watch 4 as standalone?
So I just got two LTE galaxy watch 4's to use when I don't want to carry my phone with me (while exercising). After spending two hours at a T-Mobile store and another hour on the phone with a technician, they escalate and another tech comes on and advises me that the galaxy watch 4 cannot be used as a standalone on t mobile. It can only be used when connected and near the phone its paired with! WHY would T-Mobile sell an LTE watch that can only be used when connected to the phone? That is called a Bluetooth watch! Very frustrated with them wasting 3 hours of my time, when this could have been mentioned when the watches were ordered. And even then, why sell LTE watches instead of Bluetooth watches? Has anyone one had this issue?
- Imkatt2Newbie Caller
Artay wrote:
So I just got two LTE galaxy watch 4's to use when I don't want to carry my phone with me (while exercising). After spending two hours at a T-Mobile store and another hour on the phone with a technician, they escalate and another tech comes on and advises me that the galaxy watch 4 cannot be used as a standalone on t mobile. It can only be used when connected and near the phone its paired with! WHY would T-Mobile sell an LTE watch that can only be used when connected to the phone? That is called a Bluetooth watch! Very frustrated with them wasting 3 hours of my time, when this could have been mentioned when the watches were ordered. And even then, why sell LTE watches instead of Bluetooth watches? Has anyone one had this issue?
I'm sorry but that is a load of BS they gave you. I have had a smart watch sense 2015. Samsung themselves told myself and T-Mobile they are made to work on both standalone. you can make and receive phone calls on the watches own number and also ring when your phone rings. From 2015 - 2021 it worked that way with att and from 2021 till the end of May this year it worked that way with t-mobile. I'm dealing with the watch 3, on a stand alone plan, that does now ring when my phone rings but when I call my watches phone number, watch does not ring but on my phone it takes me to the watches voicemail. Everyone I have talked to in T-Mobile gives me a different answer. They still do not return phone calls.
- truth-zealotRoaming Rookie
it is a simbiosis cell plan provider likes two montly bills for you to pay sams-dung engine gets to sell two of its turds to you but never allow you to use one device [standalone] ….
answer is simple [get you ham radio license for 15.00] and a 150.00 handheld HAM … never need the cellphone again.
- SnakZNetwork Novice
fireguy_6364 wrote:
SnakZ wrote:
I had the gear s2 setup as a standalone with its own number and everything. Then upgraded to the s4 watch. Again a standalone that was around 2 years ago. It did take the people at the store along time to figure out what I wanted… the dude was a pain lol.
My only problem with the watch is that it keep saying sim card removed and that it overheats. What i learn from other’s is that T-Mobile has the watch listed as a “phone” and not as a watch. The problem with that is the amount of power from the cell towers that get sent to the watch. It makes it overheat.
So them telling you it isnt able to is BS. As i have been using the 2 and 4 as standalone for a few years thats not how it works..its pulling in the exact same signal your phone’ll overheat however with a lack of signal seeing as how the watch or phone would need to keep searching over and over for a signal.
This guy seems to put it all in a nice video of the overheating. As the signal is there its not searching (low signal) - fireguy_6364Modem Master
SnakZ wrote:
I had the gear s2 setup as a standalone with its own number and everything. Then upgraded to the s4 watch. Again a standalone that was around 2 years ago. It did take the people at the store along time to figure out what I wanted… the dude was a pain lol.
My only problem with the watch is that it keep saying sim card removed and that it overheats. What i learn from other’s is that T-Mobile has the watch listed as a “phone” and not as a watch. The problem with that is the amount of power from the cell towers that get sent to the watch. It makes it overheat.
So them telling you it isnt able to is BS. As i have been using the 2 and 4 as standalone for a few years thats not how it works..its pulling in the exact same signal your phone’ll overheat however with a lack of signal seeing as how the watch or phone would need to keep searching over and over for a signal.
- SnakZNetwork Novice
I had the gear s2 setup as a standalone with its own number and everything. Then upgraded to the s4 watch. Again a standalone that was around 2 years ago. It did take the people at the store along time to figure out what I wanted… the dude was a pain lol.
My only problem with the watch is that it keep saying sim card removed and that it overheats. What i learn from other’s is that T-Mobile has the watch listed as a “phone” and not as a watch. The problem with that is the amount of power from the cell towers that get sent to the watch. It makes it overheat.
So them telling you it isnt able to is BS. As i have been using the 2 and 4 as standalone for a few years now. - TLH20Network Novice
@SilverRed I just kept trying until I got the right person. It's definitely possible. The watch needs to be set up as its own line. The rep that I spoke to Rell, said it's a common mistake that alot of reps make. It has to be disconnected from digits and be its own individual line.
- ItzyZazaNetwork Novice
I just told TMobile to discontinue the services since they were unable to activate my watch as a standalone. I would give it another shot though if I knew what I could tell them to help them activate it. Any advice?
- SilverRedNetwork Novice
@TLH20 how on Earth did you do it? I’ve currently spent 13+ hours of my time trying to get 2 new Galaxy Watch4s activated on the 2 new lines that T-Mobile gave me. I keep hearing that’s it’s not possible unless I have a Samsung device from prior to 2018 or if I switch to Apple! Even though T-Mobile’s own website is offering promotions for Samsung watches IF you ADD TO A NEW LINE!!
- TLH20Network Novice
Don't let anyone tell you, you can't use the Samsung Galaxy Watches as stand alone watches. I recently purchased the Samsung Watch 6 Classic ( which is the LTE) version. I contacted tmobile via chat because it wasn't allowing me to make or receive calls independently. After 2 hours of chat, I was transferred to technical support. She basically did the same as the chat representative and I even had to reset my watch! She kept asking me was it the LTE version, I said yes. After being on the phone for about an hour and a half, she placed me on hold. She came back to the line and advised Tmobile no longer offers stand alone plans for Samsung watches, only Apple watches. I asked why then is Tmobile selling stand alone watches if it can't operate as its own line? She couldn't answer the question and insisted the only way the watch will work is if it's paired with my fold 5 and tied to digits. I gave up and she paired it with digits. The next day, I called back and another person advised only Samsung version 4 watches are compatible as stand alone and I can only pair my new watch with my phone. I knew the information was wrong, so I called back again and got another agent (Rell) she was able to get my watch set up the correct way ( as a stand alone), she unpaired it from digits,she confirmed that I could make calls, receive calls and text. It took a total of 5 minutes!!!!! I asked to speak to her supervisor to give her kudos and to let her know to please educate the previous reps who misinformed me and who knows else. There are all kinds of posts about this, some people were successful at getting their watches properly connected and working as stand alone and some were not. Again, your Samsung Galaxy Watch (LTE version) can work independently/ operate as a stand alone.
- ItzyZazaNetwork Novice
And one year later the problem persists. This is a Samsung issue. I was easily able to set up a standalone plan on my Apple Watch. I’m about to cuss somebody out at Samsung lol.
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