Forum Discussion

bagelradio's avatar
Newbie Caller
2 years ago

limit length of voicemail messages

I have elderly relatives who call, leave voicemails, then fail to hang up. For hours. This leaves me with hours-long voicemails eating up my voicemail space allocation. Is it possible to limit the length of the voicemails callers leave? iPhone 14, iOS v17.2. Thanks. 

  • HeavenM's avatar
    Community Manager

    Hey there. @fireguy_6364 is correct that you can change the number of rings that happen before the call goes to voicemail. Once the call is sent to voicemail, though, you cannot control how long it stays there before it ends. My experience is that the voicemail system will end the recording if it does not hear anything for 30 seconds. It sounds like the people leaving you a message might still have some other conversations or background noise that causes the recording to keep going. Unfortunately, this is one that you would have to let the person leaving the message know so they can try to hang up when they are finished with their message. 

  • i have an Android and went through everything on my side and didnt see anything either. when HeavenM gets freed up she should have an answer good or bad. i think you can make adjustments on how many rings and such through the dial in but not sure if that translates over to the app as well or what. she’ll know.

  • are you using the call in VM or through the TMO VM app itself?

    almost positive there is a code you type in to adjust how long the VM can be but this would be through the call in VM. @HeavenM do you have the link that has the VM codes that can be used to make changes in there?