Forum Discussion
popup problem
This is driving me nuts it's been going on for a year! I have tried all the different tricks and called Tmobile and was told again to do said tricks and the most overused word of the 2020's besides cringe would be insert word ______ hack.🤬🤬 Stop it! Just stop it! I don't want a cookie cutter "hack" when it's not a 3rd party Apps like Door Dash, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. It's you the provider's App so just give me a straightforward solution for what is supposed to be by all these people dealing with same problem a straightforward service problem. There's absolutely no excuse for a year to pass and I am still having this problem and it happening on my upgraded new phone while it happened on my old phone for it to transfer to my completely different new phone also considering the back doesn't even come off the phone (horrible design flaw seriously what are we doing Tmobile? Get your shit together. ) and it's prepaid so there shouldn't be a traditional sim card, so I am still not seeing the problem or better way of saying it I don't understand why this problem even exists. Finally back to my point (sorry about this ridiculous diatribe.) But the technical support shouldn't be trying to teach "hacks or ways to cut corners.) Again you provider me customer straight forward Transaction and should be a straight forward solution for what seems like a straight forward problem. (Sorry about the overuse of straight forward, but just trying to get a point across that I shouldn't even be having to make.) So yeah Tmobile I've already got your next 5-year New Years resolution lined out, right? Just be a better freaking company. The company that me, my friends, and all of my family members enthusiastically joined, because your reputation was so stellar! So yeah anyways, yeah ya'll can keep my soap box hope I won't need it again it regards to this specific issue and Tmobile doesn't fix this then we keep doing what we have been doing and cause a ground swell and changes will happen. Ok everybody I am exhausted literaturely.(see just making up words. This is what burntout looks like kids )😉
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