Forum Discussion

looregano's avatar
Roaming Rookie
4 years ago

LG V60 AOD cuts battery life in half! How to fix?


  • Does anyone else notice that turning on the Always On Display (AOD) cuts battery life in half?
  • Do you know how to fix this issue?

Attached Screenshots explained:

  • For Example: You can verify this by going to the Battery Saver Edit Mode and toggling the AOD on/off and see the remaining time change from 29 hrs to 55 hrs (I am currently at 64%).  I attached screenshots of me doing this.

Troubleshooting already done:

  • Restarting, turned off fingerprint reader, made sure no available updates (See version info below), Reproduced results on another V60.
  • Cleared Cache and restarted phone.
  • We have only been using the phones for about a month as we purchased them Open Box new just 1 month ago.  I started by signing in and immediately applying all software updates up to the current version.  So they were both essentially at factory settings recently.  I reset mine several times as I was trying to find the best method to restore/transfer from my other phone.

Version Info: 

  • Android:11, Software:V600TM20m, Phone:LM-V600TM, Kernal:4.19.113
  • My phone tells me that I am on version V600TM20m, however I am not sure I understand that as T-mobile says the latest version is T-Mobile: V600TM20j .
  • T-mobile Version Info
  • LG Version Info
  • i didnt notice anything significant when i changed it around.


    as is i dont even run battery saver on/off my phone constantly and pull in usually a good solid days worth of battery. i have ran into issues with BSM in the past affecting things so i just dont use it..

  • looregano's avatar
    Roaming Rookie

    Thanks for including your version info.  I don’t have a 2nd screen either so that is not a factor.


    If you don’t mind checking, could you go to the battery saver mode and see if when you enable/disable the AOD if it shows a dramatic change in the battery life?  You don’t have to actually apply the changes to see whether it does this or not.

  • i also have a V60 but i do  not see this issue on my end. as for which update its on im on V600TM20M.


    i dont use the second screen so not sure if that might be the difference or not.