Forum Discussion
"LG IMS keeps stopping"
- 3 years ago
ok, just used the following suggestion:
SocialCatastrophe wrote:
Go to settings → Apps/notifications -> app info -> three dots -> Show System -> com-lge-ims-rcsprovider -> storage
Force stop and clear data.
This has fixed the issue for my mother’s v20. At least for now…
At least it took away the 3 second pop up notice. However, I did shut down & restart and the messaged started popping up again. So I redid the above directions and the annoying pop up message has stopped,
I’m convinced that the problem is T-Mobile and not LG regardless of what we are being told. My reasoning for this is simply that my wife has the exact same LG phone that I have which is on a Verizon account and she has no problems at all. A friend has a LG 60 on a verizon account and has no problems at all. I have 2 LG phones both on T-Mobile (for 23 years) and both have the annoying & repeated IMG not working or has stopped messages. T-Mobile says buy a different phone. I say “I bought these phones from you and have been with you for 23 years, FIX THEM. Note: It is much cheaper to switch carriers than to buy new phones and if you couldn’t keep them working on your network, you shouldn’t have sold them to me at your store in DeLand, Florida.