Forum Discussion
LG G7 error message this morning
LG G7 phone is getting constant LG IMS keeps stopping message/
Go to settings → Apps/notifications -> app info -> three dots -> Show System -> com-lge-ims-rcsprovider -> storage
Force stop and clear data.
This has fixed the issue for my mother’s v20. At least for now…
And it is completely absurd that LG/TMobile are telling people to factory reset.
- Guest_24Newbie Caller
fireguy_6364 wrote:
runningpainter wrote:
This is actually hard to fathom from a customer relations standpoint and also, possibly from a legal perspective. So many people depend on their phones for work, health and safety, and T-Mobile hasn’t fixed the problem and hasn’t provided better information to its customers. In my opinion this is a serious lapse.
the site here is primarily peer to peer with a handful of moderators to keep things in order only..they do not speak up usually on things and they do not have account access. as is they were working with LG to get it all figured out..i know on the Sprint site if a larger scale issue popped up they were pretty quick to get the info out there on what was going on and what was happening. might not have been the most helpful but at least you knew it was in fact known they knew of what was going on and were working on it.
here...not so kinda get what you get and or do your own digging to get the info.
i know a lot of steps to try have been posted in here but here are the official steps from TMO in case theyre any ...odds are they wouldnt post it in here because the top of my post lol
LG IMS Keeps Stopping Error:
Instructions to Resolve
- Restart Device
- After device restarts, go to settings>apps>app info note: some LG devices use a tabbed view for settings instead of a list view. if the tab view is used, to to the general tab>apps and notifications.
- in the top right corner, select the 3 dots. select show system
- in the app list go to the app com.lge.ims.rcsprovider if the device has a search option, you can search for “RCS” to find it quickly
- click the app name to select it
- click storage
- click clear cache
- click clear data
- click back button (top left) to go back to the app info screen
- click force stop
- these steps should prevent the pop-up from returning. if you see the error message again, go back into the com.lge.ims.rcsprovider app again and click clear cache and clear data.
last word was the fix was going to be kicked out in 24 hours in batches but unsure if that has changed or not.
First, I do not have DATA on my phone. Just call and text… so, none of those tips are helpful. But thanks. Today marks the 4th day I have not had use of my phone…. Since TMobile sold me this worthless phone, I am thinking replacing it, giving us credit or compensating in some way…. IF this was fixed and taken care of in a timely manner, perhaps we’d all be happy ducks by now. 4 Days of non service is unacceptable… !!!!
- Guest_24Newbie Caller
Scoshep wrote:
Just so everyone knows. I have two devices with T-Mobile one is the LG G& Thinq, with the IMS error, and the other is a Samsung tablet, which doed not have the issue. Both have cellular and wifi data. To my knowlege only LG’s are having this issue.
I have have a technical background and have been in the IT industry fro 25 years. All the fixes I have read about, and tried, are just hack fixes and would not really fix anything if they actually tempararally worked. Once your restart your phone everything your did would be back to normal and problem would come back. I would keep looking for app or system updates being pushed out.
I did reboot. Here we are 4 days later… Still an issue. And… 4 years ago TMobil sold me the dang defunk phone…. Grrrr, very frustrated. Taking phone to the TMobil store tomorrow to see what the latest “excuse” is…
- LIONHRTTPATransmission Trainee
StateLineMidwest wrote:
I see that “Force Stop and Clear Cache” now has a “green check mark” and “best answer” badge. I am sure the poster provided the information in good faith. Unfortunately, those actions to not work for the vast majority of people, as evidenced by the hundreds of postings on dozens of forums and websites… people are trying “Force Stop and Clear Cache” and for nearly all of them, it is not working. It did not work for our two phones, nor did any of the other false fixes posted on YouTube. If this was a good fix, T-Mobile would tell their retail store employees about it! If this was a good fix, somebody would post a legitimate YouTube showing an actual phone actually healing!
If is very clear that T-Mobile did something this past Sunday that effectively bricked many thousands of LG phones. LG abandoned the phone business, so they have little incentive to help (but we can always hope). T-Mobile might not even know what they did… the error could be buried somewhere in the code of a complicated update. They are surely investigating. The erroneous code might be buried within other updates which they don’t want to reverse for legitimate reasons.
Customers need to courteously but urgently request T-Mobile do one of two things:
- Either reverse the network change they made last Sunday that bricked millions of dollars worth of phones, or
- Offer generous discounts to customers to purchase non-LG phones so they can get back to work (and those discounts should be retroactive so that desperate customers who replaced their phones today can participate).
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
runningpainter wrote:
This is actually hard to fathom from a customer relations standpoint and also, possibly from a legal perspective. So many people depend on their phones for work, health and safety, and T-Mobile hasn’t fixed the problem and hasn’t provided better information to its customers. In my opinion this is a serious lapse.
the site here is primarily peer to peer with a handful of moderators to keep things in order only..they do not speak up usually on things and they do not have account access. as is they were working with LG to get it all figured out..i know on the Sprint site if a larger scale issue popped up they were pretty quick to get the info out there on what was going on and what was happening. might not have been the most helpful but at least you knew it was in fact known they knew of what was going on and were working on it.
here...not so kinda get what you get and or do your own digging to get the info.
i know a lot of steps to try have been posted in here but here are the official steps from TMO in case theyre any ...odds are they wouldnt post it in here because the top of my post lol
LG IMS Keeps Stopping Error:
Instructions to Resolve
- Restart Device
- After device restarts, go to settings>apps>app info note: some LG devices use a tabbed view for settings instead of a list view. if the tab view is used, to to the general tab>apps and notifications.
- in the top right corner, select the 3 dots. select show system
- in the app list go to the app com.lge.ims.rcsprovider if the device has a search option, you can search for “RCS” to find it quickly
- click the app name to select it
- click storage
- click clear cache
- click clear data
- click back button (top left) to go back to the app info screen
- click force stop
- these steps should prevent the pop-up from returning. if you see the error message again, go back into the com.lge.ims.rcsprovider app again and click clear cache and clear data.
last word was the fix was going to be kicked out in 24 hours in batches but unsure if that has changed or not.
- runningpainterNewbie Caller
This is actually hard to fathom from a customer relations standpoint and also, possibly from a legal perspective. So many people depend on their phones for work, health and safety, and T-Mobile hasn’t fixed the problem and hasn’t provided better information to its customers. In my opinion this is a serious lapse.
- IMS-TM-LGTransmission Trainee
..... Settings > Network & Internet > Mobile Networks > Access Point Names > 3 dots > Restore Default Settings.
- IMS-TM-LGTransmission Trainee
From your home screen, please go into Settings.
Under the Networks tab, and select Mobile Networks.
In this menu go to Access Point Names. Hit 3 dots. Hit Restore Default Settings.
You may see the option for Disable 2G and 3g.
This setting will disable 2G and 3g service on the device.
LTE enables and IMS may correct. 💯
Leave feedback if I helped you. :)
Happy to help. 😊
- LIONHRTTPATransmission Trainee
"LG IMS has stopped working" popup
- i have two LG V20 Phones and Fix worked for both when following these steps precisely.
- This fix is lost if you turn the WIFI back on or if phone is set to auto turn on when rebooting/turning on phone.
- Fix was not lost once resolved by rebooting phone.
- Fix does not seem to hinder phone operations other than WIFI must remain OFF. You can send & receive calls/texts with no popups.
- If you need WIFI for watching video, doing backups, etc., turn back on, but realize nuisance popup will resume and you will need to redo these below steps until T-mobile fixes the problem they caused.
- Call your State Attorney General and insist on an investigation.
- Turn off WIFI
- REBOOT PHONE (ensure WIFI didn’t restart or make it stay off in phone settings
- Go to settings →
- Apps/notifications ->
- App info ->
- Three dots ->
- Show System ->
- com-lge-ims-rcsprovider ->
- Storage
- FORCE STOP (After clearing CACHE)
- CLEAR DATA (This will not delete your texts)
- FORCE STOP (After clearing DATA)
- Leave Settings. Popups should stop.
- Reboot. Popups should remain gone unless you turn WIFI back on.
T-mobile still has not addressed this massive problem publicly as of Mon May 23 10:15pm ET.. Shameful and possibly criminal.
- East2WestNewbie Caller
Just going into settings as described above did not work for my LG V30+ but the following did:
turn wifi calling off
turn wifi off
turn airplane mode onGo to settings → Apps/notifications -> app info -> three dots ->
Show System -> com-lge-ims-rcsprovider -> storageForce stop and clear data, clear cache
turn airplane mode off
turn on wifi data
turn on wifi callingHas been over 3 hours with no issues and phone and im work
- 6Mkg35Newbie Caller
jimbar1 wrote:
SocialCatastrophe wrote:
Go to settings → Apps/notifications -> app info -> three dots -> Show System -> com-lge-ims-rcsprovider -> storage
Force stop and clear data.
This has fixed the issue for my mother’s v20. At least for now…
And it is completely absurd that LG/TMobile are telling people to factory reset.
This worked for now for me on my G6. I went to the Tmobile store and another guy had the same problem and the kids in the store were no help so thanks for this fix. I can tell by all the post on here something went on overnight to mess up LG phones today.
That worked for me mostly but you have to do it 5 times in a row to make sure it stays stopped and I was able to turn off my phone and restart with no problem.
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