Forum Discussion
LG G7 error message this morning
- 3 years ago
Go to settings → Apps/notifications -> app info -> three dots -> Show System -> com-lge-ims-rcsprovider -> storage
Force stop and clear data.
This has fixed the issue for my mother’s v20. At least for now…
And it is completely absurd that LG/TMobile are telling people to factory reset.
Scoshep wrote:Just so everyone knows. I have two devices with T-Mobile one is the LG G& Thinq, with the IMS error, and the other is a Samsung tablet, which doed not have the issue. Both have cellular and wifi data. To my knowlege only LG’s are having this issue.
I have have a technical background and have been in the IT industry fro 25 years. All the fixes I have read about, and tried, are just hack fixes and would not really fix anything if they actually tempararally worked. Once your restart your phone everything your did would be back to normal and problem would come back. I would keep looking for app or system updates being pushed out.
I did reboot. Here we are 4 days later… Still an issue. And… 4 years ago TMobil sold me the dang defunk phone…. Grrrr, very frustrated. Taking phone to the TMobil store tomorrow to see what the latest “excuse” is…
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