Forum Discussion
issues with my Google pixel 6 Pro preorder?
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this long post and to give me some help and advice.
So I preordered a Google Pixel 6 Pro from T-Mobile's website, but I seem to be having a lot of issues with my order. What should I do? Because I have a feeling that I'm not going to receive my phone. That somewhere down the line you were just going to get canceled or they're going to claim that I never made an order.
1st off when I tried to make the purchase on T-Mobile's website as soon as preorders became available, there was some type of technical issue that was confirmed by customer care who confirmed that with the IT department. Then about 3-4 hours later the website was working again and I was able to purchase the device.
So after I completed the transaction I never received any confirmation email and any of my DocuSign emails that I should've received after placing the order. Which I was able to confirm on T-Mobile's website and through the app that I had an order processing. The order said that it was supposed to ship out on the 27th of October and then arrive to me in 1-2 days.
Then yesterday the order changed the shipping date from the 27th to the 28th. Now as of this morning (10-26), the order has completely disappeared from the T-Mobile app on the home screen, under the orders tab and on T-Mobile's website after logging into my account.
On top of all this, I know people that ordered the device from the Google store, other carriers as well as T-Mobile and they've already received their device. My friend who has T-Mobile as well also preordered after me and already received his device.
- Jur4551cNetwork Novice
Jur4551c wrote:
Deserie wrote:
Vtech20 wrote:
magenta7252662 wrote:
Mine finally shipped today, ETA Friday/Saturday.
That's good, mine still no change. Sucks went and played with a display at best buy and I like the phone. Hope mine ships soon
I pre-ordered 2 pro whites on 10-24 in store. Haven't gotten jack as far as uodates... very annoyed. Especially as I've read of others getting theirs after release date.
Who on here is still waiting for the pro whites? Tempted to cancel and order the black but those are about the same date now also. If shipping eta is 11-12 to 11-18 what is the chance to receive on 11-12?.... I'm so freaking irritated by this whole situation 😤 😒
I'm in the same boat. I ordered a White 6 Pro on 10/22. I signed the EIP on 10/22. The original estimated ship date was the 11/18 at the latest, then 11/18 as the earliest, every few days it would quietly move back a few weeks at a time. Then suddenly it showed shipping by 11/17. On the morning of 11/16 it still showed shipping by 11/17. By the afternoon on 11/16 it jumped way up to shipping between something like 12/25/21 and 1/17/22. That's were mine has been at for a few days now. It's absolutely infuriating. T-Mobile isn't doing ANYTHING to keep us informed. They have NO information on when it will ship. At this point, I'm just going to let it sit and then demand a discount on it due to their negligence. If you look around T-Mobile is the only carrier who still has a crazy backorder. Verizon is next day for Pixel 6 Pro and I think AT&T has a 5 day delay. Xfinity I believe is around 5 days as well. So when they say well Google has a delay or whatever, it's a blatant lie. If it was a supply chain issues, then all carriers would still be experiencing these huge backorders. At this point, this is T-Mobiles inability to manage orders appropriately.
Update: I see my credit card has now been charged. Shipping now shows 11/21 - 11/28. Haven't received any alerts from UPS and no tracking number from T-Mobile. Let's see if it actually gets sent out or if there are just more delays.
- Fernan76Network Novice
I preorder on 10-19 the white pro and yesterday finally got shipped will get it tomorrow
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
Jur4551c wrote:
Deserie wrote:
Vtech20 wrote:
magenta7252662 wrote:
Mine finally shipped today, ETA Friday/Saturday.
That's good, mine still no change. Sucks went and played with a display at best buy and I like the phone. Hope mine ships soon
I pre-ordered 2 pro whites on 10-24 in store. Haven't gotten jack as far as uodates... very annoyed. Especially as I've read of others getting theirs after release date.
Who on here is still waiting for the pro whites? Tempted to cancel and order the black but those are about the same date now also. If shipping eta is 11-12 to 11-18 what is the chance to receive on 11-12?.... I'm so freaking irritated by this whole situation 😤 😒
I'm in the same boat. I ordered a White 6 Pro on 10/22. I signed the EIP on 10/22. The original estimated ship date was the 11/18 at the latest, then 11/18 as the earliest, every few days it would quietly move back a few weeks at a time. Then suddenly it showed shipping by 11/17. On the morning of 11/16 it still showed shipping by 11/17. By the afternoon on 11/16 it jumped way up to shipping between something like 12/25/21 and 1/17/22. That's were mine has been at for a few days now. It's absolutely infuriating. T-Mobile isn't doing ANYTHING to keep us informed. They have NO information on when it will ship. At this point, I'm just going to let it sit and then demand a discount on it due to their negligence. If you look around T-Mobile is the only carrier who still has a crazy backorder. Verizon is next day for Pixel 6 Pro and I think AT&T has a 5 day delay. Xfinity I believe is around 5 days as well. So when they say well Google has a delay or whatever, it's a blatant lie. If it was a supply chain issues, then all carriers would still be experiencing these huge backorders. At this point, this is T-Mobiles inability to manage orders appropriately.
smooth as butter for Verizon
- Jur4551cNetwork Novice
Deserie wrote:
Vtech20 wrote:
magenta7252662 wrote:
Mine finally shipped today, ETA Friday/Saturday.
That's good, mine still no change. Sucks went and played with a display at best buy and I like the phone. Hope mine ships soon
I pre-ordered 2 pro whites on 10-24 in store. Haven't gotten jack as far as uodates... very annoyed. Especially as I've read of others getting theirs after release date.
Who on here is still waiting for the pro whites? Tempted to cancel and order the black but those are about the same date now also. If shipping eta is 11-12 to 11-18 what is the chance to receive on 11-12?.... I'm so freaking irritated by this whole situation 😤 😒
I'm in the same boat. I ordered a White 6 Pro on 10/22. I signed the EIP on 10/22. The original estimated ship date was the 11/18 at the latest, then 11/18 as the earliest, every few days it would quietly move back a few weeks at a time. Then suddenly it showed shipping by 11/17. On the morning of 11/16 it still showed shipping by 11/17. By the afternoon on 11/16 it jumped way up to shipping between something like 12/25/21 and 1/17/22. That's were mine has been at for a few days now. It's absolutely infuriating. T-Mobile isn't doing ANYTHING to keep us informed. They have NO information on when it will ship. At this point, I'm just going to let it sit and then demand a discount on it due to their negligence. If you look around T-Mobile is the only carrier who still has a crazy backorder. Verizon is next day for Pixel 6 Pro and I think AT&T has a 5 day delay. Xfinity I believe is around 5 days as well. So when they say well Google has a delay or whatever, it's a blatant lie. If it was a supply chain issues, then all carriers would still be experiencing these huge backorders. At this point, this is T-Mobiles inability to manage orders appropriately.
- Dr0xiumChannel Chaser
lkz7786 wrote:
I ordered a Pixel 6 online on Oct 19 an hour after they went on sale. I checked the T-Mobile site today and there is no record of my order. I just got off the phone with customer service and they tell me there is no record of my order. I’m 99% sure I did everything right but for some reason the order didn’t go through!
This unfortunately in the first hour or two pretty much no orders worked. It's really frustrating. I totally empathize.
- Vtech20Transmission Trainee
Deserie wrote:
Vtech20 wrote:
magenta7252662 wrote:
Mine finally shipped today, ETA Friday/Saturday.
That's good, mine still no change. Sucks went and played with a display at best buy and I like the phone. Hope mine ships soon
I pre-ordered 2 pro whites on 10-24 in store. Haven't gotten jack as far as uodates... very annoyed. Especially as I've read of others getting theirs after release date.
Who on here is still waiting for the pro whites? Tempted to cancel and order the black but those are about the same date now also. If shipping eta is 11-12 to 11-18 what is the chance to receive on 11-12?.... I'm so freaking irritated by this whole situation 😤😒
I ordered a white pro 1 hour after launch and I'm in same boat as you. I see they have come back on stock in Google store as an unlocked device I will definitely not go through TMobile next time. Very frustrating. I am just gonna start ordering from manufacturers after this debacle, they have better trade in programs and they can be financed just the same. Will save me a couple dollars on my bill too
- DeserieNewbie Caller
Also, my order status has been saying "running" ever since the 24th..... no charge yet tho. Ordered in store and the lady said she placed them in separate orders so they would ship "faster" updates but the normal 11-12 to 11-18 delivery date.....
Paid these off in full. I WANT MY PHONES OMG
- DeserieNewbie Caller
Vtech20 wrote:
magenta7252662 wrote:
Mine finally shipped today, ETA Friday/Saturday.
That's good, mine still no change. Sucks went and played with a display at best buy and I like the phone. Hope mine ships soon
I pre-ordered 2 pro whites on 10-24 in store. Haven't gotten jack as far as uodates... very annoyed. Especially as I've read of others getting theirs after release date.
Who on here is still waiting for the pro whites? Tempted to cancel and order the black but those are about the same date now also. If shipping eta is 11-12 to 11-18 what is the chance to receive on 11-12?.... I'm so freaking irritated by this whole situation 😤 😒
- Vtech20Transmission Trainee
magenta7252662 wrote:
Mine finally shipped today, ETA Friday/Saturday.
That's good, mine still no change. Sucks went and played with a display at best buy and I like the phone. Hope mine ships soon
- lkz7786Network Novice
I ordered a Pixel 6 online on Oct 19 an hour after they went on sale. I checked the T-Mobile site today and there is no record of my order. I just got off the phone with customer service and they tell me there is no record of my order. I’m 99% sure I did everything right but for some reason the order didn’t go through!
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