Forum Discussion
5 years agoRoaming Rookie
Chatbots has appeared on my One Plus phone SMS at the top of texts yesterday. I want to delete it. How?
4 years agoModem Master
i have someone checking in on this..he finds the same thing on his side a report will be fired in to get it looked into. as of right now per the link (i mentioned this up above as well) it says how to turn it off but its Samsung saying how to do odds are they were only mentioning how to on their devices that are running it. since its not able to be turned off on the OP im guessing when they were sent this and worked it into their set up turning it off or having an option to turn it off was forgotten.
kind of wish they would change out my original post as being the answer to the one that includes the link instead since the thread is asking what the heck it is
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