Forum Discussion
Change voicemail from spanish to english?
Change voicemail from spanish to back to english?
Oh bummer. Thanks for giving it the good ol college try. At this point, you'll want to contact our T-Force team using the Twitter or FB links in my badge. They can access your account and switch language over for you. They are available 24/7 so you can shoot them a message now, and they'll get it taken care of.
- Johnny_BrownNetwork Novice
Want to change my voicemail from Spanish to English
- SteenerNewbie Caller
tmo_mike_c wrote:
Hey @sakethia3 and thanks for coming to our support site!
Are you trying to change the language in your Visual Voicemail App or through the voicemail system when you call it?
- GeneWNetwork Novice
- 4 7 worked for me.
- Weebles45Network Novice
I can't switch my.langue. from Spanish back to English what the f___k is going on
- SynSizer54Newbie Caller
Wow! a month of no voicemail. Site after site and nothing worked at all. Until this post. This one did the trick. I can’t believe this issue has persisted for this long. On pros and cons for choosing or not choosing a carrier, this is definitely a con. Changes to Spanish randomly. At least now I can use it again, NO THANKS to T-Mobile.
- Daybreak_Over_DNewbie Caller
TPMDKM wrote:
Yep, still an issue. I’m beyond frustrated. I’ve done all the steps and my phone still speaks Spanish. I’ve spent HOURS trying to correct this issue. SO DONE WITH TMOBILE!
Call your voicemail as usual and type in your pin followed by #. Let the message begin and hit * (This takes you to the main menu) Press 4 for options, pause, then 7 for English. IMPORTANT: Have patience between each step and wait for a response to begin at each number press. Otherwise it hears 4, then 7, as 47, and it will tell you in Spanish that this is not an option. Listen to be sure the language has changed before hanging up. You can always hit * again to start anew on the main menu to repeat the 4, then 7 process.
- TPMDKMRoaming Rookie
Yep, still an issue. I’m beyond frustrated. I’ve done all the steps and my phone still speaks Spanish. I’ve spent HOURS trying to correct this issue. SO DONE WITH TMOBILE!
- mtwhitehorseNewbie Caller
tmo_mike_c wrote:
What if you hit star for the main menu, then 4 for mail box options, then 7 for language settings? Does that allow you to change it?
Yes, this works! I had been trying, unsuccessfully, to change my wife's voicemail back to English. Frustration was on the horizon until I came across your response from 3 years ago and finally, success. Thanks for sharing, much appreciated!
- JoanNetwork Novice
Just spent the better part of two hours on this same issue... seriously, after seven years they still have not fixed this very frustrating issue. Thanks to whoever put these instructions online they worked great.
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
is that what you normally use or do you usually use the app but are trying to make changes through the call in one?
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