Forum Discussion

Lunchbox2208's avatar
Network Novice
2 years ago

Blocked number leaving voicemails, harrassing caller

I have someone’s number blocked but they are still able to leave voicemails (harassing me); I accidently deleted the last voicemail they left before getting the calling number and the list I have of blocked numbers is so long it’s impossible to narrow down the number from that. 

Is there a way to view call history from blocked numbers in Android so that I can have T-mobile block it automatically from being able to leave voicemail messages, or is only option to reach out to T-mobile support and maybe have them view call history?

  • Hey there @Lunchbox2208! Having our phones close by at all times makes harassing calls even more impactful and blocking the numbers usually helps discourage the caller. They normally get frustrated when they hear the voicemail greeting right away and hang up. Blocking the number on your device settings does not prevent the call from going to voicemail. Since the call does go to the voicemail system, the phone call should show on the call log when you log in to your T-Mobile account online or on the app. If you don’t see it there, then the customer support team would not be able to see the number either. 

    If you want to prevent someone from being able to leave a voicemail at all, then you would want to sign up for Family Allowances. 'Never Allowed' numbers hear a 'person you dialed is unable to receive calls at this time' message before the call disconnects.

    It is heartbreaking to know that someone is harassing you to that extent, but I really hope this helps you. 

  • Shugah's avatar
    Network Novice

    When you have blocked someone from calling and it is sent to voicemail, they are then granted the ability to leave a voicemail. In the year of our Lord 2024 if you actually check your voicemail that is a miracle. 

  • Kelzda1's avatar
    Network Novice

    I've had the same issue and this is what worked for me on an android. Tap on the phone icon, click 3 dots at the top, click on settings, scroll down to supplementary services, click on call forwarding, click on forward when busy enter a number to a tablet if you have one on your tmobile acct or any other mobile accts or a landline number that does not have a voicemail set up. The blocked caller will then receive this msg "The service you have attempted has been restricted or is unavailable" I blocked my mom's number and tried it out and it actually worked!!! No more harassing voicemails I hope this works for you and others who are looking for a simple solution!!

  • HeavenM's avatar
    Community Manager

    Hey there @Lunchbox2208! Having our phones close by at all times makes harassing calls even more impactful and blocking the numbers usually helps discourage the caller. They normally get frustrated when they hear the voicemail greeting right away and hang up. Blocking the number on your device settings does not prevent the call from going to voicemail. Since the call does go to the voicemail system, the phone call should show on the call log when you log in to your T-Mobile account online or on the app. If you don’t see it there, then the customer support team would not be able to see the number either. 

    If you want to prevent someone from being able to leave a voicemail at all, then you would want to sign up for Family Allowances. 'Never Allowed' numbers hear a 'person you dialed is unable to receive calls at this time' message before the call disconnects.

    It is heartbreaking to know that someone is harassing you to that extent, but I really hope this helps you. 

    • STAB_RABBIT's avatar
      Newbie Caller

      This is not a solution at all. Aloud and never allowed numbers in family allowances does not allow you to enter toll-free numbers and that includes 866-800-855 and so on. I sat on the line with a tech support guy and we tried and tried but it turns out T-Mobile does not allow you to block toll-free numbers which is really really stupid because that's where I'm getting most of my scam calls from is toll free numbers. So your scam shield is useless because you can block them in there and it still allows them to leave a voicemail and if you try to use Samsung block calls it also allows them to leave voicemails. So the scam shield app is useless and I will be uninstalling it and I will be finding another route to attempt to block these numbers. But it is 2025 and there is absolutely no reason whatsoever with all the scams and nuisance calls that T-Mobile would not allow us to block these numbers in family allowances. Why even have it? So now I was told to only thing I can do is install a third party blocker and so far none of them allow blocking to the point where it will stop voicemails. if I block a number what on earth would make you think that I want to hear from them through a voicemail? Scam shield does the same crap that Samsung's stock call blocking does. Neither of them stops voicemails and I'm sick of hearing from these voicemails so T-Mobile is of absolutely no assistance. So no if you guys are going to keep telling customers to use family allowances you better tell them that it does not block toll-free calls because it presents you with an error message telling you to try again and doesn't say anything about the toll-free issue so you end up calling technical support and I'm not sure how many people you guys have calling technical support per day trying to solve a problem that T-Mobile could just put a thing right there in family allowances saying they do not block toll-free numbers. Respectfully, pissed off customer.

  • gramps28's avatar
    Router Royalty

    I don't think it's possible to block callers from leaving a voicemail from everything I've read.

    Maybe @HeavenM might know more.