Forum Discussion
unable to add credit/debit card or set up auto pay
I’m a pre-paid customer. After the new My T-Mobile experience update I was instructed to re-enable auto pay. When attempting to do so on line I could not add cred/debit card nor activate auto pay. Got this message “We are unable to process this payment transaction. Please visit a Retail Store to complete this transaction” Went to two retail stores, neither had seen this before and couldn’t fix the problem while I was in store. I had to pay with cash to continue service.
An engineering service ticket was submitted and I was to receive a call back the next day, two days latter no call back. Sprint sucked and apparently now T-Mobile sucks after they merged. After more than a decade of trouble free service this failure may end my use of T-Mobile.
Has anyone else had to deal with this failure and if so has it been resolved for you…?
- MahanaNetwork Novice
I had the same issue. I think I solved the problem, but that will be confirmed tomorrow. These are the steps:
- Buy a “T-Mobile Prepaid refill card” at a convenience store or pay in cash at a TMobile store. Due to my urgency, I bought an e-card (electronic card) from target that was sent to my email within 10 minutes. I paid with my credit card.
- Look for the Pin number and enter it in your account. You have two options for that:
- Call 1 877 778 2106 and follow the prompts to enter the pin number
- In “My T-Mobile”, “payment summary” you will find an option on the right that says “redeem refill card”.
- After that you will find that amount in your “ Available service balance”, which will be used on the date of your renewal, but that is the part that I will confirm tomorrow.
I hope it helps.
- is2daytuesdayRoaming Rookie
Looks like the original post was a year ago but this issue is still happening. If anyone has found a resolution (or work around) for this issue, please update.
Enrolling in auto-pay is not going through with my Visa. T-Mobile seems to be keeping the card details on file successfully but auto-pay payments aren’t working. Every month I have had to call in and authorize a one-time payment.
What is the point of enrolling in auto-pay and keeping a card on file when I have to continue to call in every month?!
I’m getting:
Auto Pay or Auto Refill Processing Failed
Token Format Error
When attempting to do it myself on the website.
T-Mobile agents seems perplexed. Supervisors have been contacted, I’ve even had a 35-minute 3-way call with a US Bank agent, myself, and a T-Mobile supervisor. I’ve had agents swear up and down that someone will be in contact within 48 -72 hours (not holding my breath, obviously). The engineering service ticket is a joke since nothing comes of it.
US Bank has mentioned several times that T-Mobile has to take the account and routing number (or else auto-pay will not work) but every T-Mobile agent has said they don’t need the information?!
The only reason I have put this much energy into this mess is because I just want it corrected, once and for all.
- is2daytuesdayRoaming Rookie
No one will see this, but I'm updating my post anyway (just in case).
It took a few attempts (relatively long calls with support and escalation to a supervisor) to successfully link my Visa and set up auto-pay.
I wish I were able to reveal what, exactly, the issue was and how it was solved, but I don't know! In a general sense, I can say that repeated attempts to make changes to an account (any account), add or change payment methods, add or change auto-pay, etc., within a short period may result in being locked out, so waiting until the next day may help.
Phoning support (611) and asking to be transferred to a supervisor from the start (vs. explaining the issue, to multiple agents first), may be less time-consuming and frustrating.
Know this : Eventually, auto-pay and linking your cc can be accomplished.
- fireguy_6364Modem Master
- B-ManNewbie Caller
Same problem. I have a Costco Visa that was used for auto-pay. I lost it, so they issued me a new card. Tried to delete the old card, then add the new one. I think that was the mistake. Maybe add the new one first. Anyhow, it will let me add my card to the wallet, but won’t let me set it up for auto pay. Won’t let me actually make a payment. It also won’t let me add a Mastercard debit card at all, just gives an error. Customer service can’t get any of this to work either. They are sending it to engineering and supposed to call me back tomorrow. I hope they figure it out, but I’m really worried based on what you all have written.
- BVartNewbie Caller
Still a problem, My VISA I had been using forever suddenly won’t work and when I try to re-enter it I get a message saying it’s not a valid card number….Works fine everywhere else.
I can only pay with a MASTERCARD right now, Only one that the system accepts.
- jumboshrimpNewbie Caller
Similar issue here… All of a sudden, it won’t accept my Venmo Visa credit card which I was using with Autopay for the last 2 years or so.
engineering need to fix their buggy releases quick...
- dvazquezgRoaming Rookie
pj2d2 wrote:
I haven’t tried setting up auto-pay yet, but I just successfully did a one-time payment with a credit card, so that’s a big step! Fingers crossed auto-pay is fixed as well.
Same here, the only way I could use a card was using my Mastercard. It seems Visa Debit cards are the ones failing, but I would be surprised if other cards are not being accepted.
- dvazquezgRoaming Rookie
I just went to a physical T-mobile store and they were unable to reload my account. The only way was using cash. T-Mobile should definitely escalate this issue to their development teams.
- dvazquezgRoaming Rookie
same here!! No one in the customer service line could help me. They told me to go to a physical store but I don’t think they will help either based on the experience of other users. It is quite unfortunate we have to deal with this every month. The seem no to care about their prepaid customer base. I will be moving to another carrier if the keep on ignoring my request.
- pj2d2Newbie Caller
I haven’t tried setting up auto-pay yet, but I just successfully did a one-time payment with a credit card, so that’s a big step! Fingers crossed auto-pay is fixed as well.
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