Forum Discussion

Thisphoneprovid's avatar
Roaming Rookie
2 years ago

tmobile is garbage and i have proof

Just to help understand how terrible TMobile really is imagine creating a "social account" just so I can come here and reflect how terrible they actually are. If it wasn't for the arrangement I'm currently in I would never ever consider tmobile in any way. Imagine any issue you would ever possibly have with a phone company and you can guarantee to have said issues with TMobile.


Imagine any benefit you could reap from a phone company and you will experience none of those with TMobile. 


TMOBILE IS ABSOLUTELY 🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️


  • gramps28's avatar
    Router Royalty
    Thisphoneprovidersucks wrote:
    gramps28 wrote:

    Thanks for details with what went wrong.

    Everything went wrong. You name it it's happened. Here's a detailed list of benefits from T-Mobile :

    #1 phone calls will go unnoticed because they never go through, less stress more relaxation.

    #2 won't receive voice mail notifications that way you don't have to check your voicemail and hear someone who tried to call but you didn't answer because your phone never rang.

    #3 you can call your voicemail box from 1970s erra tech and hear 40voicemails from the last month due to all those missed calls.

    #4 you can constantly loose connection to 5g to switch back to 4g that way you can loose all connection then revert back to 5g and you can do all that with no manual input, completely automated service from T-Mobile. 

    #5 you can have unlimited data plan for cheap unlike Verizon where you pay a fortune that way you don't have to feel so bad about not having an internet connection or constantly watch the internet connection connect\disconnect.

    #6 it's pink.






    How often do you reboot your phone? I try to reboot it every day to shut down apps draining my battery. Rebooting will also notify you of missed voicemails once your back on. Not perfect but a workaround.

    BTW if you have a problem with pink why did you choose Tmobile?

  • ok and with all of that said what all has been attempted to fix your issue? is it one device only running into this? are there any other TMO devices there or just yours? if theres others are they seeing this too or no? does the problem go away once you leave that area by say 5+ miles? or does the problem follow you everywhere you go? TMO phone or did you bring yours from your previous provider?

  • gramps28 wrote:

    Thanks for details with what went wrong.

    Everything went wrong. You name it it's happened. Here's a detailed list of benefits from T-Mobile :

    #1 phone calls will go unnoticed because they never go through, less stress more relaxation.

    #2 won't receive voice mail notifications that way you don't have to check your voicemail and hear someone who tried to call but you didn't answer because your phone never rang.

    #3 you can call your voicemail box from 1970s erra tech and hear 40voicemails from the last month due to all those missed calls.

    #4 you can constantly loose connection to 5g to switch back to 4g that way you can loose all connection then revert back to 5g and you can do all that with no manual input, completely automated service from T-Mobile. 

    #5 you can have unlimited data plan for cheap unlike Verizon where you pay a fortune that way you don't have to feel so bad about not having an internet connection or constantly watch the internet connection connect\disconnect.

    #6 it's pink.






  • fireguy_6364 wrote:

    the proof you just laid on us is astounding...really made me think yuh know? mind boggling to say the least..if it werent for the proof i just never would have believed it.

    Your welcome 

  • I am very disappointed with T-mobil also.  They have representatives working for the company that don't give a hoot about seniors or how long I was with Sprint before they took over. I'm not saying that everything was perfect for 17 years. They did at least have a soul and if there was an issue, we all worked on figuring out a way to make everyone happy.  

    Now I have nothing for satisfactory service, that they promised. The phone I had when they took over was awesome. It was an LG V6. I had NO problem with signal, it was easy for me to read with the nice large screen. It took beautiful pictures and video. (I need the larger screen because I had a stroke and lost my vision in my left eye). 

    One day my phone, (LG V6) stopped charging. I contacted the company and asked if they could help me. They said to take it to one of the stores and see about having it fixed. I did go to the store they said to go to. I got there and the representative told me that the person i spoke with sent me to the wrong place. I then had to drive 27 miles to the store that was supposed to fix my phone. I had insurance for the phone but they refused to fix it. I was told the reason why was they no longer carried the LG phones anylonger. Long, long story short. They forced me to take a phone I didn't want because the screen was just to small. Told me to use it for now and I would like it after I get use to it. I have been trying to get a compatible phone to what i had before they shoved this phone, S22 down my throat. I'm not happy with T-mobil at all. Anyone that asks me about how I like the company, I tell them to RUN RUN FAR AWAY FROM THEM and WHY ?!?!?


  • All wireless carriers suck. The trick is to find one that sucks in a way that works for you.

  • the proof you just laid on us is astounding...really made me think yuh know? mind boggling to say the least..if it werent for the proof i just never would have believed it.