Forum Discussion

grayfox's avatar
Network Novice
3 years ago

Paramount+ Free Offer

I signed up and created the account needed for the 1 year FREE Paramount+ subscription and then the next step was to pick my plan, 0.00 for 12 months. Next step: setup up for payment with a credit card.

Should I be the idiot who creates the payment with 0.00? Or is the idiot a T-Mobile employee who doesn’t understand you don’t make a credit card for free stuff.


Anyway, don’t do Paramount+, don’t do streaming!!

  • grayfox wrote:

    I signed up and created the account needed for the 1 year FREE Paramount+ subscription and then the next step was to pick my plan, 0.00 for 12 months. Next step: setup up for payment with a credit card.

    Should I be the idiot who creates the payment with 0.00? Or is the idiot a T-Mobile employee who doesn’t understand you don’t make a credit card for free stuff.


    Anyway, don’t do Paramount+, don’t do streaming!!

    Yes. You are the idiot for failing to understand that after the year is up, you will be charged and a valid form of payment needs to be on file. 

  • Le36Sg's avatar
    Roaming Rookie

    I am on the Magenta 55+ plan. has been trying to activate the offer with T-Mobile’s app for the last 48 hours. I called T mobile many times, dealt with different reps. When I press the “Activate” button, it sends me to Paramount Plus site that says “not found”. One T-mobile gave me a Paramount Plus service number to call. Another one asked me to use a different browser. All ends with “NOT FOUND”. Does anyone has the same problem? Does anyone in T-Mobile knows what’s going on??



  • PO3Trevi's avatar
    Network Novice

    My wife and I are on the Magenta 55+ plan and we also have t-mobile wireless internet. We're happy with both. Does my plan qualify for the paramount plus free for a year promotion?

  • heise's avatar
    Newbie Caller

    I can’t sign up for the service--it says that I have entered an invalid email address?  What do I do to get signed in?


  • BobT's avatar
    LTE Learner

    I’m your huckleberry...

    It’’s Paramount+ requiring the credit card be on file when creating their account (nearly all streaming services do); same thing happens when you create their account using one of the discount codes that can be found all over the web. Once created the Paramount+ account shows the next billing data. When I signed up it was a year out. Cancel before the renewal date when it comes due. Then once it’s canceled on that date, go find a discount coupon code for new and returning users (Google is your friend as is Duck Duck go or your preferred search engine). Once that free month expires, cancel again, repeat, blow dry hands and wipe hands on pants. Sometime Paramount+ will even say don’t go well giver you another free month.

    Have had Paramount + for well over the year now and still haven’t paid anything - started with their free trial, got an added month free from them, signed up though T-Mobile and keep canceling, renewing with discounts and will continue as long as the loophole lasts - how else am I to keep up with Taylor Sheridan without Paramount+?