Forum Discussion
Nurses aren't first responders apparently?????
I used to rave about t-mobile and recommend it to anyone who was unhappy with their phone company. Nurses are not only first responders considering we are the first ones saving whomever the second they get to the hospital, but we also work outside of hospitals in the field and are the first to arrive or be a part of situations when people need help or their life saved.
We also continue to take care of and sacrifice our own health (not eating, not getting a break, being on our feet for 12+ hours, being exposed to bodily fluids and diseases that are known and unknown, not sleeping, overworking, damaging our backs and joints moving and catering to patients etc...) to save the lives of others. We are UNDERPAID, OVERWORKED, SHORT STAFFED, SLEEP DEPRIVED, AND UNAPPRECIATED.
I am WITHOUT A DOUBT switching to a different phone company and I am going to make sure I tell every single nurse I encounter to do the same.
The thing is it isn't even about the money, it is the principle and lack of respect.
The LEAST t-mobile could do is continue to give us a discount (and it was BARELY a discount to begin with).
You guys make an insane amount of money and every single person running this company and working for this company has had a nurse some how some way save or preserve their life.
Shame on you t-mobile.
- ATT gives 25%
- Verizon gives $10 dollars off per account
- Spectrum gives 30% off
- Cali_CatBandwidth Buddy
djwoo1971 wrote:
Is this forum meant to get replies from TMobile? The problem I have as well is that TMobile doesnt have the decency to muster up a reply...Nurses are the hardest workers in the Medical industry...They are under appreciated, talked down to by Doctors, abused by patients and overlooked by all. It COVID for Nurses to be recognized and how easily forgotten...I have been with TMOBILE over 10 years and I hate changing mobile companies because its a PItA but with TMobile just increasing prices on top of this it is a perfect time...
Unfortunately official representatives from Tmobile do not respond on this community forum. This is a peer-to-peer community of Tmobile customers. There are no Tmobile employees participating in the community other than moderation. However, it is entirely possible that Tmobile representatives are monitoring the content and that may impact future business decisions.
- djwoo1971Newbie Caller
Is this forum meant to get replies from TMobile? The problem I have as well is that TMobile doesnt have the decency to muster up a reply...Nurses are the hardest workers in the Medical industry...They are under appreciated, talked down to by Doctors, abused by patients and overlooked by all. It COVID for Nurses to be recognized and how easily forgotten...I have been with TMOBILE over 10 years and I hate changing mobile companies because its a PItA but with TMobile just increasing prices on top of this it is a perfect time...
- ASingh8112Newbie Caller
I’m a Neuro/Trauma ICU RN at a County Hospital that is a Level 1 Trauma Center. I’ll also add that it’s the largest county in the US which also happens to be located in the largest Medical Center in the World. So, in other words when patients get life lighted to the hospital they are coming straight to us. For EMS patients, we get them as soon as they are *barely* stable enough to transport from ED to elevator then us.
I have so much respect for EMT’s, I would love to do a ride along & pick up all their tips & tricks. So, this isn’t a jab at them by any means; but, EMT’s keep patients alive long enough to get to the hospital. Then, we’re the ones fighting to keep them alive when they keep trying to die on us. We all work hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. I don’t understand how one could be considered a First Responder, but not the other.
Anyhow, thank you for sharing. I will be checking out AT&T
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