Forum Discussion
Not Receiving calls and delayed text messages
Hi all, trying to find a resoultion to this issue that's been happening for the past 5 months. My phone is an unlocked HTC u11.
Randomly I will not receive calls when I have full bars. It doesn't show up as a missed call or anything. The person will message me on another messenger and when I call them back I usually get a bunch of text messages time-stamped from the past hour that I have also missed.
I will also randomly receive voicemails with no missed calls indicating that again, I've missed a call but it does not show up in my notifications .
I've tried all the resetting everything on my phone, I've disabled wifi calling and volte but the problem persists. Has anyone experienced this and had it fixed?
We know it's super important to get calling and delayed messaging issues like this resolved. Issues like those can be caused by another of issues but we do have some troubleshooting steps you can follow that'll help. Our Can't call, dropped calls, & other calling issues is the best place to start for resolving issues with incoming calls going directly to voicemail. You can use our Text message troubleshooting for some helpful steps with delayed messages. If you're using a Non-T-Mobile device, you'll want to place your SIM into a T-Mobile supported device to see if the issues continue. If they only happen only in the Non-T-Mobile device, a last resort will be resetting the phone. For T-Mobile branded devices, please follow the steps in the links above, and Community-2153 and have our Team of Experts or T-Force team to file a Trouble Ticket. Thanks everyone.
- schwitNewbie Caller
Same issues here in Northern Virginia. I see new voicemails with no call. If I make an outbound call I will get a bunch of backlogged text messages.
- sknishereCNetwork Novice
Thanks a lot Njeri. That is great to hear.
- NjeriNewbie Caller
I switched to Verizon about 1 week ago and honestly it's like all my issues stopped in less than 3hrs. I was back to getting calls and texts and everything. You won't regret it, just switch.
- sknishereCNetwork Novice
Just got off the phone with tech team and they don't have a solution. I've had this problem for three months now. Turning off/on airplane mode every couple of hours is not a solution. Anyone with a solution??
Can someone confirm that switching to another network solved this issue? Just want to be sure this is not a phone hardware/software issue.
- NjeriNewbie Caller
Crazy to see that people are experiencing the same issue even 4 years ago. I have been having the same problem for 3 months now. At first I thought i was going insane when I replied to messages I'd receive at home only to be told they had sent the message 3 days before!! And I can't seem to get phonecalls, everything goes to voicemail even when I'm sitting right next to the phone and looking at it as someone calls. I have a Samsung A52. Honestly, I think it's time to say goodbye
- EmeraldarchNewbie Caller
I’m on a family plan with my parents. Many of our contacts are shared between us, like my siblings and other family members. Today my mom asked me if I called her at a certain time but I didn’t. Her phone said I called her. I noticed three missed calls from my sister. I asked my sister and she said she didn’t call me. I want to know when I’m getting a call and when I missed one. I don’t need to know if my parents are getting calls or missing them on their phones.
- magenta6440033Roaming Rookie
Definitely still an issue. I had this constantly on my OnePlus 8T (bought from T-Mobile) and after two SIM card changes (i.e. tried 3 different SIM cards on the phone), T Mobile checking the towers (whatever that means - all looked good on their end) and even doing a warranty replacement (T-Mobile charged me $20), I finally got fed up and decided to cut my losses (still have over a year left on EIP). I bought a Pixel 6 from T-Mobile and, earlier today, someone called me and the phone call only came through on the Digits app on another line but did not come through on my Pixel 6. I tried to call back on my Pixel 6 and the call would not go through (I had Wifi Calling enabled). I had to toggle Airplane Mode on and off to reconnect to the network and place the call. Very frustrating.
- undecided1965Network Novice
George S wrote:
Same issue … I see the reply is marked as resolved two years ago but it’s not.
At random, even though the phone shows it is connected, people calling me will get in the voice mail, and I won’t get any notice somebody has called neither the ring nor a voicemail message for hours. I changed the sim, I restarted the phone, spoked with the technician - same thing. Looking for a solution got me here only to see people had similar issue even two years ago.
switching on either WI-FI calling or VoLTE seems to fix the issue. It will be great if technicians suggest those options before making users factory reset their phones.
I have an unlocked LG G6.
What do you mean by switching on Wi-Fi calling fixes it? Do you mean toggling it ‘resets’ the problem or that leaving it on prevents the problem from happening? Thx
- George_SNetwork Novice
Same issue … I see the reply is marked as resolved two years ago but it’s not.
At random, even though the phone shows it is connected, people calling me will get in the voice mail, and I won’t get any notice somebody has called neither the ring nor a voicemail message for hours. I changed the sim, I restarted the phone, spoked with the technician - same thing. Looking for a solution got me here only to see people had similar issue even two years ago.
switching on either WI-FI calling or VoLTE seems to fix the issue. It will be great if technicians suggest those options before making users factory reset their phones.
I have an unlocked LG G6.
- tmo_mike_cT-Mobile Employee
We know it's super important to get calling and delayed messaging issues like this resolved. Issues like those can be caused by another of issues but we do have some troubleshooting steps you can follow that'll help. Our Can't call, dropped calls, & other calling issues is the best place to start for resolving issues with incoming calls going directly to voicemail. You can use our Text message troubleshooting for some helpful steps with delayed messages. If you're using a Non-T-Mobile device, you'll want to place your SIM into a T-Mobile supported device to see if the issues continue. If they only happen only in the Non-T-Mobile device, a last resort will be resetting the phone. For T-Mobile branded devices, please follow the steps in the links above, and Community-2153 and have our Team of Experts or T-Force team to file a Trouble Ticket. Thanks everyone.
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